Amkay's Numerical List Generator. 2

Generates numbers from one to another from your choice.

  1. Backward List Number Script + New WordList Combiner Tool

    Hello Guys :D
    This simple tool is made to create Numerical List Of 8, 9 and 10 Digits
    to cover all phone numbers or any numerical passwords of this number of characters.
    Next version won't be soon
    What's new in version 2:
  2. New GUI/Form And Setup Added.

    Hey Guys ok so in this version, the app looks different, i added automatic 8 - 9 and 10 digits passwords, the script is faster, i'm working on it to make it better.
    @Crackerz Wave is it ok now? :p

    In the coming versions:
    - I'll add a progress bar.
    - I'll add the percentage of progress and time to...
    paichowd and alimp5 like this.