waircut 2020-06-21

WPS wireless protocol audit software for Windows Brought to you by: patcherr

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  1. Bibulous Bronx
    icon.png Wireless Air Cut is a WPS wireless, portable and free network audit software for Ms Windows.

    It is used to check the security of our wps wireless networks and to detect possible security breaches.
    You can check if the router has a generic and known wps pin set, if it is vulnerable to a brute-force attack or is vulnerable to a Pixie-Dust attack.

    You can see the Installation instructions on Wiki.
    • Compatible with windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10
    • Scans wireless networks with the WPS protocol enabled.
    • Compatible with pins that do not meet the checksum rule.
    • Several WPS pin generation algorithms: ZAO, Arcadyan LiveBox 2.1 / 2.2, FTE ...
    • Able to audit a pixie-dust attack on windows.
    • Editable and upgradable database of generic pins.
    • Multilingual, English, Spanish, French and Russian.
    Ariebro and dalvik like this.

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    Version: 2020-06-21
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  2. dalvik
    Version: 2020-06-21
    Thank you