Brute-force more then 8 with JTR

Discussion in 'Resources' started by Aby$m, 6 May 2013.

  1. Aby$m

    Aby$m Well-Known Member
    Dev Team VIP

    25 Oct 2012
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    Hello, in this guide I will show how to make JTR (John the Ripper) Brute-force, pass-phrases with lengths greater than 8, with Incremental mode.

    (Note: this guide was done in Aby$m-OS Beta

    Step 1: Download JTR
    Step 1a: Open Firefox and click on the JTR bookmark.


    Step 1b: Download JTR archive file

    Step 2: Extract JTR
    Step 2a: Open a Terminal application, and type “tar xfv john-[Version].tar.gz” and press Enter.

    Step 3: Change current working directory to “src” directory
    Step 3a: Open a Terminal window and type “cd john-[version]/src/” then press Enter


    Step 4: Modify the “params.h” file
    Step 4a: With a file editor of your choice, open “params.h”.
    Step 4b: Scroll down to the sub-section titled “Charset parameters”.
    Step 4c: modify "#define CHARSET_LENGTH 8" value from the default of 8 to your desired value and save the file.

    Step 5: Compile JTR
    (Note: by default “Aby$m-OS Beta” does not include programs that compile such as make, gcc etc…, in-order to compile within “Aby$m-OS Beta” you will need “compiletc.tcz”)

    Step 5a: Download and install “compiletc.tcz”

    Here is a guide for the installation of “compiletc.tcz”:
    To download and install “compiletc.tcz” simply click on the “Apps” Icon on the icon tray, next select “Apps” > “Cloud (Remote)” > “Browse”

    type “compiletc.tcz” into the search box and press Enter > select “compiletc.tcz” from the left hand pane and click “Go” at the bottom.

    Step 5b: Follow “Step 3”, next type “make” to get a list of systems available.
    Step 5c: Type “make clean [SYSTEM]” and press Enter.
    Wait for the process to complete it, might take some time to compile.

    Step 5d: Next type “cd ..” press Enter then Type “cd run” and press Enter

    Step 6: Create a JTR pot file
    You can create a dictionary file with the current installation of JTR in “Aby$m-OS Beta” with the command:
    “john --incremental=all --stdout | sed ‘s/^/:/; 10000000q’ > john.pot”

    (Note: the file will be 79 MB , and after the file has been created the Terminal will stop functioning you will have to close it and open a new one)

    [​IMG]You can also use your own Dictionary file to create a JTR pot file with the command:
    “cat [Dictionary file] | sed 's/^/:/' > john.pot”
    After the JTR pot file has been created, move the pot file to the “run” directory, or you can initiate the command from the “run” directory.

    Step 7: Make JTR character set file

    Step 7a: Change the working Directory to the “run” directory,
    Next type “./john --make-charset=custom.chr” and press enter

    (Note: Make sure that the JTR pot file from “Step 6”, is placed into the “run” directory before you press enter)


    Step 8: Create custom incremental mode
    Step 8a: within the “run” directory use a file editor to open “john.conf” next
    Scroll down to the sub-section titled “Incremental modes” then type:
    File = $JOHN/custom.chr
    MinLen = [#]
    MaxLen = [#]
    CharCount = 95


    Here is a summary of the steps:
    • · Download JTR
    • · Extract JTR
    • · Change current working directory to “src” directory
    • · Modify the “params.h” file
    • · Compile JTR
    • · Create a JTR pot file
    • · Make JTR character set file
    • · Create custom incremental mode

    Now you can use JTR to Brute-force more than the default of 8.

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  2. meknb

    meknb Mod
    Moderator Dev Team VIP

    2 Jun 2012
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  3. Fantastic

    Fantastic Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2013
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    AWESOME it worked for me on Aby$m os but when i try to do it with backtrack, i won't be able to create a pot file in step 6, it returns with error "sed: -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: `�'
    10000000q’: command not found"
    what should i do?
    and thanks in advance
  4. Aby$m

    Aby$m Well-Known Member
    Dev Team VIP

    25 Oct 2012
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    I believe the problems is that TCL which Aby$m-OS is based on, uses "Busybox" for command-line tools where as Backtrack doesn't, that's why I believe, you are receiving an error in BT.

    You could try installing Busybox in BT or find the BT command that matches the Busybox command.
  5. meknb

    meknb Mod
    Moderator Dev Team VIP

    2 Jun 2012
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    Try swapping single ' for double " , you probably got ash already installed "unless they replaced it with dash" just need to point any ash scripts to /bin/sh.
  6. Fantastic

    Fantastic Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2013
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    hi Aby$m
    when i try to do it in Aby$m os, i get stuck in step 7 what i did after step 6 is:
    -placed the 79 mb pot file in the run directory
    -cd to john-1.7.9-jumbo-7
    -typed john --make-charset=custom.chr ( if i type ./john --make-charset=custom.chr i get error)
    -result: loaded 0 plaintexts, exiting...
    (i don't know why it worked for me the first time, weird)
  7. Aby$m

    Aby$m Well-Known Member
    Dev Team VIP

    25 Oct 2012
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    Did you follow "Step 7a: Change the working Directory to the “run” directory," ?

    The new JTR version that is compiled in "Step 5" is located within the run directory.

    Also DO NOT create the character set file with the normal JTR, use the JTR version that you compiled in "Step 5".

    When you use the command "john --make-charset=custom.chr" you are using the normal JTR version within "Aby$m-OS Beta"

    When you use the command “./john --make-charset=custom.chr” you are using the new compiled version from "Step 5" when it is run from the "john-1.7.9-jumbo-7/run/" dirctory

  8. Shirley

    Shirley Active Member

    21 Apr 2013
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    I was hoping you might be able to help me with my john install,. I am installing john jumbo 7 in Backtrack 5.3
    I used this tutorial

    I'm in a bit of a pickle I don't know how to proceed and bottom line I don't have enough knowledge to do it. After studying it and yours I believe I missed a step and didn't change to the SRC dir or SCR dir, I'm not looking at it right now.

    I have attached what I've done and was hoping that being an expert on this you would be able to look it over and help me out.

    Thank you in advance. Shirley

    Attached Files:

  9. Aby$m

    Aby$m Well-Known Member
    Dev Team VIP

    25 Oct 2012
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    It appears you have miss-interpreted one of the instructions on the site you linked to, specifically the fourth step which deals with the gcc options located within the Makefile:

    "open the Makefile in whatever text editor you use... and uncomment the two lines listed below under # gcc with OpenMP…."

    It appears you have attempted to compile JTR with gcc rather then modify the Makefile.

  10. Shirley

    Shirley Active Member

    21 Apr 2013
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    @-Aby$m. Hi thank you for getting bask to me so quickly. So can i just start over using your easy to understand tutorial? Or do I have to figure out where that make file is and keep going useing vi?

    Thanks again Shirley
  11. Aby$m

    Aby$m Well-Known Member
    Dev Team VIP

    25 Oct 2012
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    If you simply wish to compile a new version of JTR just follow step 1 to step 3a of my guide, the other steps are for a more specialized purpose and can be ignored.

    Once you finished following those steps, you can then use the newly compiled JTR by changing the working directory into the /run directory and running a JTR command such as "./john [option]".

    In summary:

    • Download JTR
    • Extract JTR
    • Change current working directory to “src” directory
    • Compile JTR

    However why do you need to compile a new version of JTR when Backtrack includes JTR by default Shirley?

  12. Shirley

    Shirley Active Member

    21 Apr 2013
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    I'm getting it. But to be clear
    I uncomment these 2 files below gcc with OpenMP

    OMPFLAGS = -fopenmp
    Sun Studio with OpenMP (set the OMP_NUM_THREADS env var at runtime)
    --- Double Post Merged, 16 Apr 2014 ---
    lol I did'nt see your post been on the hunt to understand. Wow that was fun, So I found them woot woot!
    --- Double Post Merged, 16 Apr 2014 ---
    On the answer to your why? I don't know I thought .....and there inlies the problem Im over thinking everything. Thanks for being patient.

    So have I made it so i have to keep going now or can I just exit? :O) Do I need to clean anything up?
    #12 Shirley, 16 Apr 2014
    Last edited: 16 Apr 2014
  13. meknb

    meknb Mod
    Moderator Dev Team VIP

    2 Jun 2012
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    Nothing wrong with thinking to much good for you.

    A make install will make it permanent (if you have persistence build or installed on hdd) or you will have to run it from the /run folder as Aby$m said
    make will build the program make install will build and install program i.e copy to bin folder etc

    The src folder can be deleted once you have make install if need be

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