How do you know the password is digits ?? These have no password as default one needs to be entered. Is it set on wds mode the password would be the same as the router if yes any nearby routers might give a clue of the default keyspace. Also read the rules CLEAN YOUR CAPTURES there is no need for a 8mb cap.
I don't know the password is digits, having been through every dictionary I could find, I must assume it is a complex string of letters and numbers. The router isn't accessible to me, physically or otherwise though I'm trying to find the routable IP address. And sorry, didn't know I had to clean up the capture file. Cheers for the pointers.
Hi guys, can please help me get the password the below handshakes, By default it should be 8 digit password. Else if 8 digit didnt work then maybe 10 digit where the first 2 digit starts with 01xxxxxxxx. Tried random 50000 password that came with router cd but failed. Thank you in advance.
@Sagaaboyz, good news. Was able to find the password of one of the handshakes you uploaded: positiveminds:0192220363 Let me know if you need anything else Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Can someone help me? probably has a maximum 11 alphanumeric digits. I tried my dictionaries but did not succeed. thanks!
Thank you so much man. It really helps me out. Can you try to get the other one That I added up there. The SSID is "dsmartbusiness@unifi" Good Job Bro. Thank you very much.
Your welcome, I actually tried both using the suggested "10 digit where the first 2 digit starts with 01xxxxxxxx", only worked for one of them. The dsmartbusiness@unifi does not seem to have a 10 digit password that starts with 01. What other attacks would you like to try?
Trying it now as we speak, should take a couple of minutes. Anything else? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi all i have 2 capture file i tried ways but failed. I will make donation if someone crack them. Thank you & appreciate
Hi guys! Please help me to get this password. It's unifi from Malaysia. I used way too long time to get the password. my laptop is not that good so I wish to get this password. Thanks in advance. BTW, it should be in 8digits numeric.
Thank you, we are all here to help eachother --- Double Post Merged, 13 Sep 2015, Original Post Date: 13 Sep 2015 --- @labidu, I am still working on 58-2A-F7-D5-26-82_handshake.cap, tried so far: 8 Digit 2 Billion line dictionary Some random language words Do you have any clues to what the password may be? Even parts of the password would help