Tried the following keyspaces with no luck 8 Digit Attack Super-WPAv2 SkullSecurity rockyou 8 HEX Lowercase 8 HEX Uppercase BIG-WPA-ALL Performing the following: 9 Digit Attack 10 Digit Attack 11 Digit Attack Will let you know
I appreciate your effort sir!! No hurries take your time. And any news on the previous .cap that I had sent - the one with mblaze SSID?? Regards
@TheUltraElite The mblaze capture does not look like a valid capture to me. There are no consecutive EAPOL packets (1-2 or 2-3) from the same handshake that I could find.
HI 'vrybody, I have been trying for a long time to get this Linkem attached, nothing to do, several randoms, italian dictionary, names, years,dates..rockyou, etc.. nothing! Please help me with your lists and hardwares. a) Format: do think 8 digits but not really sure and with my hardware it 'd take too long b) Network Name: Linkem71B402 c) MAC Address:F8 : 35 : DD : 71 : B4 : 00 d) Country:Italy e) Router Model: I don't know f) Brand: I don't know Please try 8 + 10 digits then if possible dictionaries you have.. Thanks
Tried the following with no luck - 8 Digit Attack Dictionaries: - Super-WPAv2 - SkullSecurity - rockyou - BIG-WPA-ALL - 18_in_1 The following remain to be tested: - 10 Digit Attack - 8 HEX Lowercase - 8 HEX Uppercase
Tnx PhnxCdr, I'm curiious about the "18 in 1" wordlist, what kinda words are in? 18 chars mixed? Anyway tnx fo helping. Ciao
mmmhh ..let's say something like crunch 10 10 0123456789ABCDEF | aircrack ..etc..etc.. of course with my hardware is not possible to try..too long... how long with yours? we could add option to crunch -d 3% (max 3 consecutive number) and -d 3, (max 3 consecutive upper) in order to speed up... tnx for estimating....
Might explain why the above attacks didn't yield positive results. Who says there is a maximum of 3 consecutive numbers or upper? Did you find that rule somewhere?
No luck with the below specified attacks. If you have any more feasible suggestions you would like attempted, let me know: 8, 9, 10, 11 digit Super-WPA2 BIG-WPA-ALL SkullSecurity Rockyou 8 HEX lowercase and uppercase 8 lowercase and digit
Can you attempt a brute force on the network using the following characters without the quotes : "using System;"
Hi Friends, hope you all are well. Please try to find out from the below two attached handshakes. Best of Luck a) Network Name: zulfidemo b) MAC Address: A0-F3-C1-BB-16-2A c) Country: Pakistan a) Network Name: Hameed b) MAC Address: AC-81-12-D0-5E-C8 c) Country: Pakistan
Hi can you help me a) Network Name: HG531V1-G4QDXZ b) MAC Address: 24F:6A:BC:93:A4 c) Country: morocco MD5:3d09d9fefa0f9e1b2bf761da4461d8a4 --- Double Post Merged, 12 Apr 2016, Original Post Date: 8 Apr 2016 --- Hi