Hey guys!! I was searching for a wordlist or any shortcuts to crack spectrum wifis and ended up here. Looks like an awesome place for resources. My area has tons of wifi networks that look like this.. "FD1235DX3" (this format). I figured out the trick to get all the passwords!! I was so proud of myself for finding this flaw. But lately I am seeing networks like "MySpectrumWiFi01-2G". Anyone have any tricks for this type? I will try to find a decent wordlist, but I was hoping someone knew a trick or shortcut method. Anyone?
Thank you for the link. I'll definitely grab em. Always a use for a good wordlist. That's probably what I'll end using. I was Just kinda hoping there'd be shortcut way, like the other format Spectrum uses.
I'm just curious.. What is the other format for Specrums? MySpectrum , SpectrumSetup, MyCharter - by default...word+word+3?d...
The other format that spectrum uses in my area looks like this... "TC1234T10". It's always two letters, then four numbers, then three more characters. Do you have any networks near you that have that format?
I think that is a Technicolor..and the default is the first 7 from ESSID + 6?H...if I'm not wrong...lol
Yep. The first seven, then the second and third from the end of the Mac, then the last two of the essid. If it's TC1234ABC and the Mac is aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff, the password would be TC1234AddeeBC. I guess non-technical people wouldn't notice the pattern. But geeezz...