Gearjunkie I helped to contribute to this list. Would you please try this handshake for me? Gpuhash found the password. You should be able to find...
Ran both caps using (0-9) (len 8) did not find password
I ran the tp link cap using (0-9A-F) (len8) no luck
Takes me almost 10 days to run the suggested keyspace. No way im gonna crack a FASTWEB handshake!
Do you know keyspace used for fastweb?
No problem! Post your caps, there are enough active members here that can run through simple 8-10 digits pretty quickly.
I found another new noun not found in the v1.06 word list. "plum" I have attached a picture as proof. [ATTACH] Found another new noun not found...
Here you go! caf63a:c07cd1f10614:16b55b0e0937:281641328 c9e272:d897ba007365:64899a1f1158:271401430
You will need need to specify the path to both files. A quick to test to see if cowpatty & pyrit are installed is to simply type "cowpatty" or...
No luck for me. Ran that cap for 8 hrs
The password is 62065550
about 7-8 mins, i have some amazon gpu ec2 instances linked together with pyrit. I average about 210,000 pmks per sec
i tried [0-9][length8] on OTEc1f2f8 no luck. Trying [0-9a-f][length8] now.
Well after about 5 days of working on these files i finally finished! Listed below are links to 356 hash files, these files can be used to crack...