How can I manually enter that in minidwep ? I guess I'll just tick the aireplay -9, or just all it's options really.
Yes so I guess it's got WPS disabled then.
Between 40-60. What do I need to do to get injection started ? I figured thats aireplay's job. Also, the WPA connection seems to not have WPS...
Yep you're right it's super easy but I am barely getting IV's on the thing, not sure if it's my fault or the programs. After over an hour I got...
I will try that. What about WEP ? I used aircrack in the past but XiaoPan doesn't seem to cover all the aircrack systems so I need Backtrack but...
+1 on the whole thing. I'm running XiaoPan on a USB disk drive too. After I did the modprobe - l | grep ath command, it did show up a dir...