I guess you've tried altering your config file to enable telnet ?? https://hg658c.wordpress.com
If it wasn't cracked first time don't post it again
??????? The .diff is for building patching reaver
The 8 stars are just random numbers or 12345670 it's just encrypted by your browser I think the diff is the emptystringpin.diff here which affects...
We usually ask for people who can't be bothered reading the rules or first post :banghead:
Is the router set to use AP-PIN in the wps settings ? Have you tried logging in using the wps pin with linux, or I use wps connect for android if...
How many character's 0>9 A>F 10 chars is default for fastweb i think,The first capture"FASTWEB-1-D0B635" hasn't changed ssid so could be...
With bully you can just use -S, --sequential if you don't want random pins.
Whats the error you get with -vv also are you using a fixed channel, also if it ends immediately delete the session in ./bully/macaddress.run and...
tce-ab or apps in terminal and search for whatever software you need, firefox is bigger than the whole os thats why its not installed.
Good luck Think they are 16char A>Z uppercase 0>9
Think the Linkem routers default are 10 chars A>F uppercase 0>9
There are some Dictionaries on the hashkiller forums for brightbox routers. For the guide for router gui try here...
Read the Rules don't spam the board you've posted this many times across the board and give no info Reported for multiple postings
Why not :?? Depends on your linux experience, i've not found anything that can't be installed in xiaopan. If you install pip...