Xiaopan Staff

On this page you can learn a bit about those members who help to keep things running smoothly.
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Founder + Chief Administrator

Mr. Penguin founded this site in May 2012 to create a centralised location where people could get together and get support and information about wireless technology, security and hacking. Tech savvy, he loves photography, macs, fishing and food. Anyway, he is the man who you should talk with if you have any problems with the site :)


Fantasma is from México. He is a computer and cellphone technician. He likes everything related to wireless hacking in his spare time and hacks for both fun and profit too. The story of how he came to be here: was initially through tracking Xiaopan OS from a Spanish forum called Lampiweb and eventually blossomed into a Moderator, than an Administrator. He helps out from time to time translating Español and helping people particuarly in the Support Forum. He is also responsible for creating a kick ass easy to use Live USB tutorial for Xiaopan. Favourite quote of all time is: with great power comes great responsibility.
Crackerz is fron Malaysia and loves hacking, because it made me like a pro.He has an ALFA AWUS036NHA (AR9271), Dlink DWA 125 (RT3070) and hooks it up to a dual boot Dell Latitude D630. His ambition is to be the No. 1 operating system maker in the world.

This is my story of how he found Xiaopan One day, I tryed to crack wifi, and I found backtrack. But because of it's size, I could not download it. So I asked my brother, and he said, his friend cracked wifi at university, and he uses Beini.So I Googled Beini and downloaded it and I was successful in cracking wifi.

After that, i wanted to learn more and more about hacking and google for few hours and i found DishingTech. Good timing as I was the second member to join after Mr. Penguin. After a few months I was VIP status do to my persistance and time spent helping out. After that Fantasma has taken me as his young padawan (apprentice). And a few more months, my sensei, Fantasma make me Mod In training. Now I am a full blown Moderator :). 
hazz death's real name is: ****** ***** <-- premium member content and lives in Sandakan Town, Malaysia. Currently a co-graphic designer (damn good one too. He won our Xiaopan logo competition) and assistant manager in his sister's embroidery shop. Hobbies include: learning about everything, learning new things, playing guitar, sketching manga and reading comic books. He is directly responsible (shame on him, jokes :p) for developing Xiaopan 0.4.3 all by his lonesome. You can also find him Facebook.

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TCB13 is our resident expert on web hosting, programming, all things Apple, Linux and cool. He is the CEO of our hosting provider iKlive Networks and developed a number of programs for iOS and Mac including STkeys for iOS and STKeys for Mac. Normally if you see him online the shit hit the fan with the website, debugging or testing a new feature. Nonetheless, he does contrubite on threads and posts from time to time.

ImJoJo loves to help out in the forums and he probably knows the answer when something goes wrong with your pentesting attack. He has his own blog called Pen Test Talk and likes to chill in the Off Topic Forums when he gets a chance.
11 Oct 2012
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