Planning on creating a super up to date Ubuntu edition (13.04 32bit) of pentesting tools for myself and members of this community. Obviously there will be an overlap with some programs and scripts but I would like for people to test various alternatives and decide what works best for them. Would anyone like anything else? Suggest below This will be a VMware virtual machine which can be easily converted into Parallels / VirtualBox on both Windows and PC. Programs / Scripts Minidwep Latest compat drivers Reaver Inflator free radius wps scan Fern Wifi Cracker Pyrit cisco-torch package cisco-global-exploiter package cisco-auditing-tool package powersploit hping3 cryptcat aircrack tcpdump john the ripper hashcat truecrack freeradius oclhashcat dns recon rainbowcrack crunch cowpatty python wifite mdk3 nessus wpagui ettercap wifi-radar netcat wpscan wireshark kismet wpscrackgui kismon yamas aircrack-gui 4 feedingbottle macchanger Driftnet Fping Hashcat Hydra Nmap Proxychains airssl Sslstrip Wifite proxychains airolib-ng reaversaver ALFA Tools 1.0.0 WPSPIN for FTE-XXXX, vodafoneXXXX, Belkin, WLAN_XXXX Aircrack-ng CUDA Wifi Metropolis 3 UFOWardriving thad0ctor's BT5 Toolkit baudrate wps2key bigpwnd fuse sslsplit dnschef Netopia Routers Factory Password Generator STKeyGen BT HomeHub 2 Type A Credential Generator Zykeys Wireless Tool PACK (Password Analysis and Cracking Kit) Reaver Automated Scripts WPABust Netoolsh Cryptohaze Moihack Port-Flooder Dequiem metasploit proxychain Hcon Security Testing Framework Notepad++ Unetbootin KeePass Angry IP Scanner Network Spoofer 7 zip mcrypt NetworkMiner packet analyzer SSLc wakeonlan Packet Peeper Who Is Using My WIFI RogueScanner cdpr pcapsipdump Snort exiftool horst ncrack pcapgetiv scapy weakivgen screencapture Harpoon DumpKey ettercap Ghost Phisher Hanster macchanger-gtk NetCat Wavemon Wi-Fi Kill (DDoS) (ENG) Wireshark XHydra Autowifi 3 stKeyGen tele2dic mac2wepkey ono4xx WlanReaver WifiPassReminder FuifiDecrypt WPAMagicKey Jazzteldecrypt WlanDecrypter Dhcp3-server Maybe Reaver Pro Live ISO Version Pidgin VLC Media Player Wine I will be deleting unnecessary stuff to ensure that it is not bloated. I will however, be installing Firefox with various useful plugins and bookmarks.
i give some suggestion, remove firefox and install torch, if it not available install chromium..install divx web player..
Mr. Penguin Great work, i really appreciate you alway because you're the GOLDEN COIN So my question is: can we make it our default operating system or Windows 8 + Xiaopan Ubuntu using GRUB Legacy or GRUB 2 Every advice will be appreciated too
actually after u have the Vm, u can create ur own iso if Mr.P dont have the time to do it..install remastersys in the Virtual machine, create iso, mount usb and copy it..done.....
Maybe Reaver Pro Awesome work Mr. Penguin So when we can expect this modified amazing Ubuntu to be available on forum???
Yes I will install all the packages ecrudragon. Release it for VIPs for about 10 days for testing then release it on Sourceforge in 500mb parts. Not looking forward to testing by myself. Then I will ask Crackerz Wave to remaster it with remastersys so people can install it via an ISO or run it live.
Well Mr. Penguin i am looking forward to it. I would better suggest Mr. Crackerz Wave to make it both ways (Live & Installation) if he can't go through both ways, Installation ISO is best than live USB or DVD (I want this amazing Ubuntu as my 2nd operating system) Q: how to become VIP via westren union or any other way of money transaction because i don't have Paypal account sigh Q: How much in USD? I love the forum and i want to be a part of it, i will also consider a small donation to the owner to keep the forum alive
Installed so Far... Base: Ubuntu 13.04 32bit Virtualisation: Installed with VMware Workstation 9.0.2 + VMware Tools GUI: Converted Ubuntu (removed unity 3D) to Xubuntu for increase in performance and make it more Xiaopany like Drivers: Compat-drivers-3.9-rc4-2-su Packages and Scripts Installed Aircrack-ng 1.1 (Latest SVN version) Reaver 1.4-2 Macchanger 1.5.0-9 wifite pyrit wireshark crunch hydra hashcat John the ripper nmap Minidwep 40420 Installed Torch Inflator 1.0 WPSCrackGUI 1.2.4 ReaverMOD 1.4
Not sure Crackerz Wave but it will not be small... Installed UFO Wardriving 4 Invasion Btw there is no Linux version of the Torch browser you were speaking of.