Currently own a 24dbi grid antenna. Was wondering if there is anything more powerful? Like much more powerful.
@ Remington Nice to see we share the same sense of humour... @JaneDoe Not much higher available for off the shelf parts for 2.4Ghz without breaking the law. 5Ghz goes up to 32dbi grids instead of 24dbi IIRC. It's all about beamwidth, and with a 24dbi grid being about a tight 7 degrees beamwidth already, the question is how much more laser pointer do you want to go.... It would be increasingly be impossible to aim for anything higher. Antenna's don't provide any "power", they are passive devices that just direct the existing "power" input into tighter and tighter beams making use of the "power" there is already there and sending it in ever increasing less "useless" directions.