HELLO GUYS! does latest version of XIAOPAN comes with dictionary? What is "inflator"? How to use it? What is "feeding bottle"? and how to use it? have a nice day! thanx!:joy
Hello mazeermohamad, this is the "Downloads/Windows" forum, so this is the wrong place for ask about Xiaopan... answering your first question: for a dictionary attack you can put your fav dictionary on a flash drive and mount it on Xiaopan with the "mount" tool. for inflator & feedingbottle info, you can use the "Forum Search" option, here you have some info about feedingbottle: https://xiaopan.co/forums/threads/how-to-use-feedingbottle.65/ Regards
No reason why it should. If it did to be effective it would have to be quite large (in size) considering that many users are from different countries. We leave dictionaries up to the user. Personally, I think that dictionary attacks are a waste of time.
Reaver is all I can suggest, you are guaranteed more of an outcome mazeermohamad. But don't let my opinion stop you. If you can make your own dictionary list by all means try. Also hex and number dictionaries can produce good results.