YouTube VideoWatch this video on YouTube. YouTube VideoWatch this video on YouTube. YouTube VideoWatch this video on YouTube. Tactical Network Solutions (makers of reaver-wps) have made a kit to purchase. Looks a bit pricy considering there is about 30 - 40 dollars worth of hardware there. Little annoyed that there are no specs listed. I would like to know what wifi chip it is running. I am tempted to buy it and rip it open . I would also be tempted release the Reaver Pro version to wonderful readers of DishingTech for free. I guess you could make a few donations...hint hint Another silly thing is they would probably make more money if they just sold the software instead of making people buy a kit. I would be happy to pay $35 dollars for it. I have everything else in this kit! Nonetheless, the Reaver Pro software looks easy to use and is well refined commercial version of the open source project. They must run some sort of linux distro to be able to boot onto it. You must check out the video below. The Reaver Pro kit comes with: • Tactical Network Solutions USB drive with bootable Reaver Pro distribution • Tactical Network Solutions USB Alfa AWUS036H device • Reaver Pro Users Guide • High gain 5dBi Antenna • USB Cable • Compatible with Mac, Linux and Windows
We are up to $20 . I think there might be some sort of hard lock, mac address or something. It would have been released way earlier if it was easy. That's my theory would like to try atleast Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk --- Double Post Merged, 6 Jul 2012 --- and it is out :joy
I might just buy this. I am getting lots of new routers to test these days.That would make my life easier...
Two questions: 1. Is the donations through some other place or is it done through the top of the page under the "donations" section? 2. I got the Reaver and Xiao Pan OS from a torrent. Don't know too much of what is going on, but just wondering do I need to have the hardware (antenna and all that) in order to make it work? I didn't install xiao pan os on my computer, just took a look at it through a virtual machine. Not too sure how to use it tho. Any chance of using xiao pan to replace my current OS permanently? especially on my net book (currently running win7 ultimate). Sorry in advance if this is off topic.
Hello MisterTickle, and welcome aboard. 1. Donations are handled through paypal. We had a crash and lost data there awhile back and I need to fix it up again and until then we will not be accepting donations. 2. If you can tell me what internal card you have I can let you know if it is compatible. But remember, internal cards do not work with virtualisation. You will need to run it live to use your internal or get an external one to run it through VM. 3. Best option is to run it through a Live USB. That way your system resources will not be shared
Im trying to get reaver to work with my asus x54c laptop with a Ralink RT2860 internal wireless card. is reaver compatible with said card?
Tactical Network Solutions have hinted after one of their followers tweeted about the kit and the price. Funny they avoided talking about the price. Anyway, by the looks of it there will be another iteration of Reaver Pro. What will it be? who knows. Hopefully it will be a lot better than what they have had in the past and a bit cheaper too. Currently you cannot buy the Reaver Pro kit as the distributor Hak5 is out of stock. @djkevster we are working on the next iteration. The design will be different and will include a software update. Stay tuned!— TacNetSol (@tacnetsol) April 15, 2013