Granted Im not the best at this but I've come too far to quit now! Sorry Mr Penguin! ok so after successfully installing parallels and creating a virtual machine with backtrack installed you find out that your new, all singing, all dancing brand new mac has the wrong chipset or something! Grrrr! Start reading the forums and the ALFA 036H usb dongle is recommended! Ebay £25 ish! Try to install it and it works on all versions of Mac OS except Mac 10.8.2! God damn it! Back to Mr Penguin! This link is to the thread explaining you need a different driver and confirmation from a This is the Link to the driver.. remember to enter a name and an email address to start the download! However the installation instructions are nails.. for me anyway. So I downloaded the driver and installed it in the usual way.. no probs so far! A little "Ralink" appeared next to my Skype logo at the top right and a realtec application appeared in the App folder.. cool! Right click on the "Ralink" (next to the skype logo) and nothing... nether did the app The last entry on the thread has the same problem... but Mr Penguin's solution doesn't work either which is to connect the device before clicking. So I read the instructions which came with the download... NOT good news Im afraid! System preferences - network - advanced - 802.1x ?????? This is all I could work out! It will not let me enter anything on this page, it say.. "Use a configuration profile to add 802.1x profile to your system. Contact your system administrator for more info. Am I close to getting this to work? Please help! thank you Ant
That thread is more about the NH... the NH is Ralink... the H is Realtek. You have to dig through that thread to pull the information for the RTL8187L / AWUS036H. Please delete the Ralink Utility as it does not work with Realtek devices. Regards
I'm sorry if it's me that's making you arsey mr P, but I've read that thread over and over and I can't even decipher wether the AWUS036H can even be used with OS X 10.8.2 let alone find a link to download the driver! But the last guy on the thread sounds like he has a similar prob but thanks you for the workable driver thats above then has issues setting it up in Parallels! I'm going completely nuts now.....where above?! Is it easier for me to return this Alfa 36h and buy a different one? Or take my mac to a comp shop and get them to sort it? Please help!..... deleted the ralink. Apologies for being a newb! Ant
I think AWUS036H is RTL8187L chipset which doesn't work with 64bit mac only 32bit, mountain lion is only 64bit,have a look in system information just type into finder,and have a look under usb to identify your card. You can use it via virtual box try here but id just change it for one that works for mountain lion.
Thank you.. I will return it tomorrow! You wouldn't be able to recommend one that does work with 10.8.2 would you?
I didn't read the title correctly. The AWUS036H and other RTL8187Ls work on Mac, providing it is run in a virtual machine (e.g: Backtrack). It is plug and play but you might need to load the device in Parallels first. But if you want to connect to networks and scan / crack with kismac on your mac it cannot be done. You can get the H workable to connect and scan for networks using a ALFA R36.
Ok.. Do I can get 036H to work by buying a ALFA R36 or do I return 036H for a full refund and get the Alfa AWUS036NH? Is the Alfa AWUS036NH best for 64 bit Mac book pro, Mountain Lion OS X 10.8.2 for cracking with backtrack which is on a Parallels virtual machine? I think I probably downloaded the driver for it already and tried it on the H but I want to make sure as I don't want to mess the guy around on Ebay. Thank you everyone for your patience!
Depends on what you want to use the H for. Hacking in Backtrack and Xiaopan it is awesome. Hooking it up to a R36 is good...but slow. In Windows it can connect to the longest of networks as with the R36 but it is slow when downloading / uploading. I find the NHR is the best for seems more stable. NH is a good all rounder, speed is good, works on mac. You need to decide what you want it for.
It is purely for hacking... ummm so I can test the security of my router! :snake So I'll go for the NHR! Cheers Mr P!
But the RTL8187L is so much better for hacking. It is the hackers choice. I do not recommend a NHR for hacking only. Get the RTL8187L.
FAIL FAIL FAIL!!! Oh Please help guys! I've managed to buy 2 Alfa devices now and the second turned out to be the same as the first! The RTL8187L you speak of above Mr P is the Realtec RTL8187L and not the Alfa AWUS036H 1000mW +9dBi RTL8187L?
I'm lost! I thought we said AWUs036H would only work using R36 and it would be best to get the AWUS036NHR?!?!? I have AWUS036H with RTL8187L here and was about to return it. I have also just bought from ebay a Realtek RTL8187L Chipset 2000mW 54Mbps WiFi Wireless Network Card Adapter. This is the fourth wifi card!!!!!!! I will buy anything I need! What will work best on a new mac with ML 10.8.2 and could some kindly show this dyslexic idiot where I might be able to get the driver for it! many many thanks!
I never said that I said this: Now. The R36 can be used in conjunction with NHR, NH and H or other RTL8188RU, RT3070 and RTL8187L devices respectively. The chipset structure is the same. It was a suggestion but I think when you are connecting something to something else, having the same brand for warranty and other reasons is a good idea. NHR will work and the NH and other RTL8188RU and RT3070 devices respectively using appropriate drivers. The H, NHR, NH will work with the R36 fine. But as I said before you can only scan and connect to networks, not hack them when you run it through the R36. When it comes to what works best that comes down to the features you want. I prefer the NHR for Mac OS X 10.8+. + I find these comments confusing ant When I say RTL8187L I am talking about the H as well.
God this is painful isn't it Mr P! I've cancelled the ebay order and I'm calling it a night for tonight.. my head hurts and is spinning! Thanks for your patience Mr P! Message you tomorrow no doubt!... sorry & thanks!
I am another user of AWUS036H on iMAC, took me a month to install the driver (RTL8187), still learning today how to install Parallels on my iMAC...
Thats the reason I'm not quitting, it took me a few days to figure out how to install parallels and I created my own virtual machine on it to find there is one on of the downloads... somewhere! There is, without doubt a lot of confusion on this topic and throughout the associated threads! My plan is to get it working on my mac and to start a new thread for the newdy of noobs! Thanks for your comment on the thread.. adds value! If I can help you with parallels sand me a PM! But right now it's latte and smoke time... I'll annoy MR P with my questions later! regards Ant
I have been searching everywhere to find the anwser to Ant's question i to am running 10.8.2 with vmware fusion 5 to run backtrack 5 r3! however i can specifically tell you i plan on using backtrack to crack wpas and test all the other capabilities that backtrack have to offer! Please let me know of any usb adapters that allow for quick packet injection and decent range. Thanks for your response in advance and i look forward to getting to know backtrack and you guys more!