TinyPaw-Linux v2.0.1

Lightweight Linux WiFi pentesting distro.

  1. D1k0v

    D1k0v Well-Known Member

    9 Mar 2013
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    not fine for me all are problems
    in virtual box start the iso and the menu but in the phase "Booting the kernel" he alone automatically restat to menu again
    Infinite loop
    not good

    why do you want hashcat in virtual machine where the gpu power dont work
    i dont like virtual better real
    maybe i probe to install grub or syslinux in iso

    until next time
  2. r1sen

    r1sen Mod
    Staff Member Moderator Dev Team VIP

    22 Nov 2017
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    hmmm hashcat is a dep of sometools, as far as an infinite loop I am not sure, no one else has reported this to me, how much ram do you have allocated to your VM?
  3. D1k0v

    D1k0v Well-Known Member

    9 Mar 2013
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    dont worry about ram vm i've got start from usb with unetbootin-702 and syslinux-4.07 a little old but work
    is only console no grafics desktop??
    i call hashcat but ignore me no error no messages only ignore
    keep trying
  4. r1sen

    r1sen Mod
    Staff Member Moderator Dev Team VIP

    22 Nov 2017
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    no there is most definitely a gui lol this release of tinypaw uses Xorg and JWM, as far as hashcat it is a collection of standalone bin files for 32bit hashcat v2.0.0 located in the /home/tc/hashcat directory
  5. D1k0v

    D1k0v Well-Known Member

    9 Mar 2013
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    you iso is a little complicated and uncomfortable
    wifite not launch the gui interface
    telinit not exist for start graphics mode
    syslinux not exit for start from usb pendrive sd etc

    how star JWM from console?

    i think you left pyrit source code in the optional folder

    I'm looking more another day
  6. r1sen

    r1sen Mod
    Staff Member Moderator Dev Team VIP

    22 Nov 2017
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    i'm not sure what you mean? wifite2 is a python3 command line tool? what gui do you mean? as far as starting jwm from the console if Xorg has successfully initialized would be done with the traditional startx command.. as far as pyrit.. i'll have to look into that, perhaps some of the src tar was accidentally included in the package... as far as syslinux issue I am not sure.. you are the only person experiencing any of these problems. There have been some bugs reported in Xorg as well as nvidia compatibilities, waitforx issues, but what you are saying has not happened on any test machine or VM I have..

    I am not saying you are not having issues I just don't see how it's only you reporting these? below are screenshots of TP running both installed and live in both kvm and vbox



  7. r1sen

    r1sen Mod
    Staff Member Moderator Dev Team VIP

    22 Nov 2017
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    if you mean the wifi icon in the bottom left corner - the blue one you need a wifi card active or if using usb then redirected - if no card or it doesn't detect the driver the connect to wifi application will not start. the first icon in the wbar is a command line frontend for connecting to APs
  8. D1k0v

    D1k0v Well-Known Member

    9 Mar 2013
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    when wifite start the fist time usually shows a windows like this for configure
    maybe the version 2.7 dont have this

    --- Double Post Merged, 4 Apr 2024, Original Post Date: 4 Apr 2024 ---
    why dont show the image??

    i wanna be root
    the mouse dont work in console

    jwm error: cant start display, no more errors or warnings only this xD
    startx does not start errors
    telinit dont exist
    I still dont couldn't enter the graphic mode
    i have a comfictive nvidia maybe that's it

    i dont like use virtual machine
    iam the only person experiencing any of these problems because dont like vm
    no more people comment here?

    the iso detect my wifi card without problems, monitor mode too
    --- Double Post Merged, 4 Apr 2024 ---
    lol if i edit the post show the image is crazy
    #188 D1k0v, 4 Apr 2024
    Last edited: 4 Apr 2024
  9. r1sen

    r1sen Mod
    Staff Member Moderator Dev Team VIP

    22 Nov 2017
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    what you are showing is a frontend - that is not part of wifite2 first of all that is probably a python add-on created by someone else, there's plenty for bully and aircrack too. that is also wifite by derv... that's like 6 or more years old lol this is wifite2 2.7.0 by kimocoder... like only a few months old. as far as startx errors .. this is what I have been trying to say there is a bug I been trying to sort out with Xorg and are you using v2.0 or v2.0.1? either way - I apologize that this is not working for you, I am working on fixing the problem with Xorg or maybe it's a bug in this kernel.
  10. D1k0v

    D1k0v Well-Known Member

    9 Mar 2013
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    v2.0.1 of course

    I have to send you a screenshot of the start tomorrow

    I tried it on another machine and it does the same thing.​
  11. Sailf

    Sailf Member

    6 Apr 2024
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    Hello, I get this error when trying to install tiny paw latest version 2.0.1 and after a few processes, it only lets me write in tc@box, it does not load GUI or anything else, I installed Tiny Core to check if it was a problem with incompatibility and Tiny Core started without problems(i think). My PC is an HP mini 210 VT with atom inside, from what I see in old versions of Tiny Paw the error was already given but I don't know if it is exactly the same,But anyways i will also attach an image

    Attached Files:

  12. r1sen

    r1sen Mod
    Staff Member Moderator Dev Team VIP

    22 Nov 2017
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    yes, unfortunately I have posted in the release - theres sadly either a xorg or kernel bug in the TC 6.1.2 kernel used :( this release works in most setups with kvm or virtual box but there seems to be a video initialization error involving Xorg and it fails to start. I apologize - I have been working to try and figure out exactly what the issue is. This release uses Xorg and JWM, it's definitely something kernel level or so involving Xorg - I spun a vanilla TinyCore spin using Xorg on physical HW and get the same waitforx error and i've tried using a variety of firmware and display drivers but x still fails to start. For best compatibility until my next update release try running in VM. I apologize.
  13. D1k0v

    D1k0v Well-Known Member

    9 Mar 2013
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    capture starting with startx
    it doesn't look very good but it doesn't say anything either
    no screens found
    very rare error coming from a screen

    starting with jwm only say error cant start
    i don't know what else to do to get it to start loool
    you can try to install telinit for more options in next release
    until next release​

    you can help me with this
    i posted it a week ago in Community Services and no one says anything

    Attached Files:

    #193 D1k0v, 6 Apr 2024
    Last edited: 6 Apr 2024
  14. r1sen

    r1sen Mod
    Staff Member Moderator Dev Team VIP

    22 Nov 2017
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    You are not listening to me sadly, I have told you about 10 times now - there is a bug in Xorg or the TC kernel 6.1.2 which is the kernel in this release of TP. There is a video detection - video init problem causing Xorg not to start on physical hardware. It happens with regular Tiny Core when using Xorg from version 14.. Not sure what is causing it but it happens when using it on physical hardware boot. I have said and posted on here, sourceforge, etc, etc for best compatibility this version should be run in a VM - KVM or Vbox it has been working fine. I also have stated multiple times its a waitforx problem meaning Xorg - ie x window system is not initializing and you keep on going about other stuff, its a Xorg or kernel bug, end of story. This version of JWM requires Xorg, Xorg no starting so there is no starting JWM end of story. I am working on a fix whether different kernel or downgrading Xorg or both, until then VM is probably the best option. Thank you and apologies.
  15. r1sen

    r1sen Mod
    Staff Member Moderator Dev Team VIP

    22 Nov 2017
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    And it's not a rare error no screens found is common when video detection fails lol just means it detected no displays, either from a driver error or a firmware error or compatibility error. Same would happen if you installed the wrong drivers and try to startx on just about any version of Linux.
  16. r1sen

    r1sen Mod
    Staff Member Moderator Dev Team VIP

    22 Nov 2017
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    As far as telinit - no, simply no. TP uses busybox, for init
  17. D1k0v

    D1k0v Well-Known Member

    9 Mar 2013
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    yes i listen you dont worry
    I told you that they sent you a screenshot
    now we just have to wait for the new release ok
    message received

    nothing about handshake no
    --- Double Post Merged, 17 Apr 2024, Original Post Date: 7 Apr 2024 ---
    no way
    at least you could answer something
    to yours yes you answer quickly
    stupid fack
  18. r1sen

    r1sen Mod
    Staff Member Moderator Dev Team VIP

    22 Nov 2017
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    I apologize for my lack of response - I am not always on here, between work and various projects it is not always easy to respond immediately. I assume you mean your question about your capture file? My lack of response is that I do not participate in auditing anyone else's capture files simply put. Many users here do and that's cool but I do not, being a part of this community and site and my project does not make it my job or obligation to run .cap's for people, sorry but I have stated this many times here - pretty sure mr. penguin has said similar. Being rude or using insults certainly won't get you anywhere. Sorry for your dissatisfaction.
  19. D1k0v

    D1k0v Well-Known Member

    9 Mar 2013
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    forgive my impatience
    If I don't have Internet I get nervous xD
  20. r1sen

    r1sen Mod
    Staff Member Moderator Dev Team VIP

    22 Nov 2017
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    I understand I do, I apologize if I come across like an :censored lol :rage:

    Many people pop in and out here that help with this, I just do not, as I said between my projects, actively developing and maintaining and being a mod on here and a few other sites I just do not get involved with this. This forum is less active now but I am sure someone will help out with your cap

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