guys i need help about cracking these please thanks in advance!
Can someone help me, my laptop is a old one, can't really get that hashrate to try all the combinations. I'm from Bangladesh. Here are the...
SSID : KezWork BSSID: FA:5E:42:E9:B4:29 Country : USA, Florida Languages : English / Spanish Attempts : &
Hi, anyone can help me? SSID: LIAIMR Country: UK 22000:...
Hey , I captured handshake file but it was tough to crack that cap.
ESSID.......: Sevilla BSSID.......: 88:ef:16:b5:83:a1 Country: USA/FL Attempts already made:,...
spare link: thank you very much for your help
I tried alot of different lists but I wasn't successful and GPUhash found it in under 15 minutes. Can anybody help me with these two caps?...
Dears , How are you , i have this cap file im trying to to crack it , i have only cpu on my computer and i can't try bigger word lists . i tried...
The password was found on gpuhash basic search list but i cannot pay bitcoin.
I have tried 3 lists but no success.
edit. scrap that! found the passwd.. hashcat is awesome!
Hi! I have a gpu gtx 1050 ti oc but when I'm start to cracking with hashcat (crunch), it looks like it's never ending. Maybe I do not know to...
I hate to ask, but I have about run out of options. For a few days now I have tried to get through a WPA password. The problem is while I have a...