Hi, It's a Bangladeshi wifi. Haven't tried any basic wordlists yet. Can someone try to crack this please? I tried Rockyou, darkc0de,...
I tried cracking this file . GPUHASH.ME asked me bitcoin to pay and i cant affort that .. Please try to crack this file:
I tried alot of different lists but I wasn't successful and GPUhash found it in under 15 minutes. Can anybody help me with these two caps?...
Hello, I have captured 2 handshake files but it takes eternity to decrpyt in my potato pc. If anyone can crack this it will be really appreciated.
I have a potato laptop so it takes a week to decrpyt, while guphash.me cracked cap file under 15 minutes and it ask me to pay BTC. I don't have...
Okay, so not sure why (was told it had to do with the increase in price of bitcoin?) regardless, it's become too expensive to do GPU cloud...