Fixed 0 APs with Inflator Scan

Discussion in 'Xiaopan Support' started by victoer12345, 5 Feb 2013.

  1. victoer12345

    victoer12345 Active Member

    3 Feb 2013
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    firts of all im very new to all of this, and im sorry 1- if this post is not suposed to be here 2.- bad english (its my second language ).

    ok heres is my question i haved read alot of post's (on multiple sites ) saying that a tp-link TL-WN7200ND wireless usb adapter witch haves a RT-3070 chipset works with xioapan for WPS cracking so i went ahead bought the adapter, hooked it up, launched xiaopan ( 0.3.7, 0.3.8 , 0.4,, 0.4.4 ) and in all of them im able to get feedingbottle to work on most versions (0.4.4 did not work at all for me ) and im able to crack wep keys . bu when i start inflator, it alows me to put my adapter to mon0 i start the Ap search and i dont get resoults.
    now i have checked the reaver-wps site and it shows that RT-3070L is the unsopported chipset and my card supposed to be RT-3070. i also checked to make sure the chipset my adapter haves and i see something about linux drivers that i can use and se listed a RT2800usb driver

    Linux driver

    in compat-wireless
    ) or

    (see also passys)

    so the question is can i get my adapter to work ?
    or why it allows me to put my adapter in mon0 but does not give me AP's resoults?
    whats is the bets version for my adapter to work ?

    any help would be apreciated
  2. estimacamry

    estimacamry Tracker

    3 Aug 2012
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  3. victoer12345

    victoer12345 Active Member

    3 Feb 2013
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    estimacamry hey thanks for the reply !
    i downloaded the file uncompressed it and copyed on cde/optional folder started up xiopan (0.4.4 and
    and still had tha same issue
    then i started playing around with it and noticed that if i scann with üse scan mode (-s), ignore frame chacksum errors (-C) and use 5GHz 802.11 channels (-5) with a check mark and manually selected the channel to scan on i would find some AP's and when i try to crack them i would get reaver to associate with the network and it wil try pin 12345670 for a long time.
    after that i will start to get warning of 25 fail conections in a row.
    also i noticed that no matter what channel i scan on im not able to get my network to show up and the adapter is less than 2 feet away from the modem /router and my router is configured to WPA/PSK

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