Need you all experts advise to rate which is better... going to install it beside my air-cond compressor... And also will it compatible with my RTL8187 adapter ? Million thanks =D
Thanks Mr.Penguin... Anyway i've bought the Parabolic antenna, but after i plug it in to my computer and did a scan... it doesn't seems really much diff... any tips how and where to install parabolic antenna ?? currently i haven't mount it, just got it this afternoon. Million thanks. =)
Just curious.. does it really have a 24 dBi gain? Something like that will get you beacons from ESSID "Jupiter"... Looks cool! Sent from my LG-MS770 using Tapatalk 2
I have been using this parabolic grid antenna for over two months. The problem with this is that it's very directional because the signal is very narrow and you have to rotate and pin point in right direction to your target APs. I am mounting mine on a mobile tripod on top of the roof. Also I mount my parabolic antenna horizontally that is the longer side is horizontal whereas some people mount it with longer side vertically. I suppose placement height is also important. So far I can find APs about 30 houses away say 200m distance.
What brand is your parabolic antenna ? is there any antenna that don't have to adjust the direction ? what is your recommended antenna ? Thanks for sharing, much appreciated.
Some notes here. I also suggest that you check out the antennas specification before buying. As always don't believe that it's capability is 100% true. Mine is an Alfa brand bought from an Alfa dealer but interesting enough they all look exactly same on other sellers web pages?
Thanks for sharing the website... you're right, maybe they won't meet 100% capability... if i wanna buy with confident, cna i go for TP-Link ? any advise on this antenna ? Thanks sy
I am always skeptical about dBi claims. AT THE ROUTER / AP SIDE the parabolic / directional is good for a point to point network. the omni is good for increasing signal near your AP in all directions. ON A REMOTE COMPUTER the parabolic / directional is good for picking up a strong signal with less interference over long distances or noisy environments. The omni is good for exploring / wardriving or if you are switching between networks. I particularly like the YAGI style antenna for directional. Here is what I use most often when I help people link their computer to a distant signal. or look here for a good calculator and then you can be smart about some of the wild claims. for example a 12 element YAGI has a max gain of 15.7 dBi or 13.5 dBm if you do everything right. a 18 dBi takes 20 elements to get a 20 dBi gain you need 30 elements and it gets ridiculous beyond that. Many in my area have used satellite TV dishes to boost a signal in 1 direction by placing the antenna of their USB device at the feed point of the antenna. --- Double Post Merged, 1 Apr 2013 --- This is interesting this is a 4 stack YAGI at 25 dBi real measured gain --- Double Post Merged, 1 Apr 2013 --- I stole this data from a website and it may help answer your question. Basically - here are the stats for different 2.4 GHZ YAGI antennas. GAIN dBi Length (cm) Beam Width (deg.) 8 20 60 10 30 45 12 45 35 15 70 28 18 90 20 Because the basics of directional antennas is the same (small angle gives better dBi when you are aimed properly) it comes down to how much aiming are you willing to do. I like the 15 or 18 dBi YAGI because they are easy to aim for my setting. A 24 dBi has a 15 degree beam width. That is a little harder to aim than the 15 dBi YAGI
I think you should consider the environment where you will station this. Directionals are good for long range, while omnidirectionals are great if the APs are all around you. E.g 360 degrees. --- Double Post Merged, 1 Apr 2013 --- The parabolic will likely have a different connector than the SMA one, so you will need a conversion piece and long active USB cable extension. If you plan on setting one of these up all I can recommend is an ALFA. --- Double Post Merged, 1 Apr 2013 --- you will have to move it to the AP you want. Also how long is the connector? you lose a lot of power through the cable. This is why I suggest as small as possible and use USB cable to extend it.
So you have 15 meters of cable there.... In theory, you are going from 54dB to around 39dB. That might change with the thickness and shield properties of your own cables though: I used the rated 24dBi antenna in that calculation.
Are any of these good when it comes to packet injection? I cant seem to find accurate information online.. Sent from my LG-MS770 using Tapatalk 2
Just been visiting Alfa Network site at and noticed several new products which may be of interest to you. They are all designed for outdoor use but which one is the best buy? Any feedback? AGA-5828T 5.8GHz Grid Antenna 28dBi AGA-2424T 2.4GHz Grid Antenna 24dBi AOA-2409TM 2.4GHz 9dBi Outdoor Omni Mesh Antenna AOA-2409TF 2.4GHz 9dBi Outdoor Omni Antenna
These are so much cheaper than the TP-Link 24dBis
Did you count shipping cost? --- Double Post Merged, 5 Apr 2013 --- "the original N connector is 5 meter, i've bought another coax extender 10meter." best to use usb for extensions even if you have to pay for an active repeater. Line loss in coax is about 3 dB per 5 m (from memory, could be wrong) and some loss for every connector. USB can be as long as you want (active repeater required over 5 m length) with no loss of signal. this looks OK I have the one below.