You can use crunch or just tipe in the search box "how to create wordlist" there is lots of resources about it
hi, thanks for that, ive had a play around with it and cant find the options to random 3 alpha and 7 numeric. (generate full list.) It can do straight lists like aaa11111111, 111bbb11111 and so on. specifying where the alpha should be.... the closest ive come to it so far is a website but this one generates one at a time.... anyone got any ideas.....
thanks, is there anyway to random that patern in crunch. Or would it be a question of trying all combinations of patern manualy?
I don't think so but you can try posting your question here to get better support on crunch
If you wanna have a pass list with that you would have to do it manually like this: -t @@@%%%%%%% -t %@@@%%%%%% -t %%@@@%%%%% or you could place the numeric symbol % in between alpha symbol @ where applicable and these are the usage for crunch @ -- lower case alpha characters , -- upper case alpha characters % -- numeric characters ^ -- special characters (including space)
not sure if i have got my maths right.... 5102 lists.... lol, not sure what the files sizes are yet....