you need to know much about the target to get a good crack if you just so a sweep of the ip's your looking for and there password sucks or its web my best time is about 20 sec and my slowest is 5 min for wep as far as wpa2 its a crap shoot
8 Posiciones numéricas... Intuyes que la wireless tiene el PIN por defecto...Y que pasa si la contraseña de WPA lleva letras? Por ejemplo que la contraseña sea: abcd5678 Saludos!
Cual es tu pregunta o exactamente que desea saber? What is your question or exactly what do you wish to know?
how about 9 digit or 10 digit? --- Double Post Merged, 16 Sep 2014 --- Can help find me the passwords of the handshakes. (I hope the password will be in 8 digit numbers) Thank you.
The only one that was 8 digit number was Club10 and it is 86920339 I also ran the other two through a few small dictionaries I have and William Ng WPA key is Lamborghini with a lower case l, for some reason this keeps changing the l to capitol letter, but it is all lower case for the key. JackyWifi I did not get, but really don't have a lot of time to run it any further.
The link is still up and just what I was looking for, I'm still learning crunch and couldnt figure out how to do this without ending up w/10 GB of text file, too big so this works!
hi, can someone help me with a 8 digit wpa? I have old pc. --- Double Post Merged, 9 Oct 2017, Original Post Date: 9 Oct 2017 --- Someone helped me in another thread.