The scale you mean like the distans i around my antenna?? i like to show you but map making is dificult specialy after my samsung (android) has lost the way. i just use "wigle: wireless network mapping" it's making a .kml file and you can use it in google earth. also you can upload the file to wigle website: because my smartfone isn't that smart at the moment, i can't take photo's from my setup to show some more. i didn't tell you yet that i from around 2007 to this day never payed for my internet (some neighbor who i don't know does the paying) I surf online looking for wifi progam all those years, changing hardware 2011 i was in spain and didn't got connected back then next time i will --- Double Post Merged, 20 Jul 2017, Original Post Date: 31 Jan 2015 --- i made this one a while ago