Ok, I have noticed that some manufacturers claim a ridiculously high power output for some devices making it hard for the consumer to really know what they are getting. ALFA devices claim to have a maximum of 2000mW and Kasens have some that are 6000mW. Here is a video between 2 different RTL8187L devices. Test just compares the RF power output. You would think a device that is claimed to be 200mW more to be better. YouTube VideoWatch this video on YouTube. Test was conducted with a 5011 REDOT Digital 2.4G WIFI Power & SWR device which has a maximum 33 dBm. SignalKing 160000g (Claimed 1200mW) achieved 28dBm TX power and 4857 kb/s on Speedtest.net ALFA AWUS036H (1000mW) achieved 31dBm TX power and 4936 kb/s on Speedtest.net 28dBm = 630.95mW 31dBm = 1258.92mW dBm = log10 (mW)*10 mW =10^(dBm/10) As you can see the SignalKing falls very short of its claim while the ALFA performs better than their rating of 1000mW. Conclusion of the story, do not buy a card just on the basis of high milliwatts (mW). I have complete faith in ALFA. Some companies try to deceive their customers and do you really want to buy something from a company that does that? Here at Xiaopan we want to test, compare and recommend the best cards on the market and you will see some really big changes soon. Sure the SignalKing works, but if I bought a car that claims to go 300km/h and only does 200km/h I would be very annoyed . So to the ALFA bashers, where are your tests?
This thread is so informative, thanks Mr Penguin. Now consumers can compare which products are best to buy. ...and now I worry that the owner of Signalking will go knocking his/her own head on the wall when he/she read this thread ! :eeks (I am one of the users of Signalking)
Hey Rampit, hopefully we will be able to compare the main manufacturers on the market. The test wasn't conducted by us but we hope to give a range of similar tests. Also in future please do not push the reply button (unless you are quoting from a large thread) please. There is no need to quote all that information I just said
Ok I see (I did not click REPLY button) . >> compare the main manufacturers on the market << Oh Yes I love to :joy
Remember the power output includes the antenna that will give you a total EIRP. If a Kasens says that it is 6000mW it is probably the total EIRP for example: Transmitter Power Output: 20dBm Transmitter Cable Attenuation: 0dBm Transmitter Antenna Gain: 18dBi Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power | EIRP = 6309.573mW But remember that the bigger the antenna could have an opposite effect. Particularly if your Transmission Power Output is low. It will have not enough power to properly power the antenna. There are downsides of a large omni directional such as Kasens 18dbi, as it will probably break the SMA connector in time. Imagine using an NHR with a 24dBi antenna ALFA AWUS036NHR 2000mW Transmitter Power Output: Actual not tested Transmitter Cable Attenuation: 0dBm Transmitter Antenna Gain: 24 dBi (directional) Remember 36dbm (4W) is the legal limit, you are really breaking the law and probably cause some headaches.
Regret I did not buy ALFA . I share with you guys my hacking xp: Back then (a year ago) when I bought my first hacking device (EnGenius) I was a complete beginner and I could only listen and believe to the salesperson (of a computer shop), the shop at that time did not openly sell any ALFA or Signalking products, the guy told me that the EnGenius device is so great and is capable of receiving WIFI signals as far as 1km (pointed his finger across the road to a McDonalds restaurant roughly 400meters of distances) and he said "See that McD, this device can capture WIFI so far away!", I reply "can you show to me how it woks? " he said "you gotta pay first and I will show to you". I paid and bought the EnGenius device and days later I found out that the McD WiFi that the guy shown to me was actually another McD WIFI located less than 50meters at the lower floor. Months later I Google very hard and I found Signalking products, then at last I found Xiaopan.co