Hi everyone can someone help me please?im using reaver 1.3 in backtrack 5 and im only getting errors like(warning timeout occurred,ap rate limiting,failed code 0x02,code 0x03,code 0x04 or cannot associate.why is reaver not working with my usb wirelesscard?would be thankful for any help!
try to update to Reaver 1.4 This happens when the AP(Router) is auto-locking wrong pin attempts You are too far from the AP or maybe has a MAC filter enabled
Im using backtrack r3 with reaver 1.4 now.im sitting right next to my router but reaver get stuck in a Loop and repeat the same pin over and over again.could this be a Driver issue? --- Double Post Merged, 16 Jun 2013 --- Im using backtrack 5 r3 with reaver 1.4 now.im sitting right next to my router but reaver get stuck in a Loop and repeat the same pin over and over again.could this be a Driver issue? - See more at: https://xiaopan.co/forums/threads/alfa-awus036h-in-reaver-error-after-error-help.4028/#post-13550