ARGtek Give-Me-5 (GM5) solution allowing you to connect up to 5 different Networks simultaneously. By virtually bonding all the network connections into a single channel, you will have more bandwidth than ever before. More info here Do you guys think this adapter will practice what it preaches
Connect to 5 networks simultaneously? I would imagine that the fastest network would be the one in use. I don't think that it would add on to download / upload speed. Does the seller mean this? or is it lost in translation: Network 1 BigPond12433 100kb/s Network 2 razor 50kb/s Network 3 wlan4502 20kb/s Network 4 Netgear 500kb/s Network 5 Tenda 450kb/s 1120kb/s total. From the picture, it would suggest that it does exactly that^ I can see how if you were able to connect to various same network name fixed channels (only of the same network, what you would find with MS-CHAPv2) it might work. Either way it makes for an interesting device. Thanks for sharing It isn't the seller that is preaching, it is also the manufacturer: Looks like rempit won't be able to connect to his 20 networks lol
really.. does this thing really work? I mean different networks combine into single one with full speed? no information on different channels too ..
who had bought this gear please gave feedback about it.. i really want to know it really work well or just a dumb gear...