1. What is the issue? Beini don't see my AWUS036NHR 2. What are you trying to achieve? Hack WPS with Reaver and Inflator 3. What is your wireless device model? (e.g. rtl8187L, AR9287) Realtek RT8188RU 4. Is this a USB or internal device? USB 5. How are you using it? I am using Xiaopan as a LiveCD 6. What version of Xiaopan are you using? Beini 1.2.3 7. Have you tried other versions of Beini and Xiaopan and the issue still exists? Beini 1.2.3 Beini 1.2.4 Beini 1.2.5 8. Is there anything else you would like to tell us? Your issue will be posted and responded to here: https://xiaopan.co/forums/index.php#support.14 Microsoft xp sp2 acer aspire 5100 i have disable my atheros and nothing happened i have not use xiaopan wrong for me this because i must answer with yes and i dont use it. 9. What is your username (case sensitive please) on Xiaopan OS Forums? https://xiaopan.co/forums/index.php If you do not have an account please create one so you can fill out this form. remu
Please fill out the appropriate form: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7YDNZRN to enable the Xiaopan community to help diagnose the issue. DONE
I think Live CDs are probably the worst thing you can run Xiaopan on. Use Virtualisation or try Live USB. Beini 1.2.3 was specifically made for users of RT8188RU devices so it would work Also you stated it is an RT8188RU. RT = Ralink RTL = Realtek Two different manufacturers. Let me know if this fixes the issue so I can flag this issue as fixed. Also look up the MAC address to determine the actual vendor. VMware Workstation can be downloaded here and all you need to do is run off the ISO. Choose other linux 2.6 kernel when it asks you what Operating System it is. Thank you
Imi cer scuze pentru greseala facuta.( nu sunt un cunoscator al micilor detalii--pentru mine rt-rtl).adaptorul este alfa awus036NHR cu chipset RTL 8188RU AICI ESTE LINKUL VANZATORULUI DE LA CARE AM CUMPARAT .Cu un usb am incercat insa nu imi booteaza e pe usb desi am pus sa booteze prima data de pe usb,apoi am incercat cu un CD pe care am copiat pur si simplu Beini 1.2.3 -de unde booteaza.O sa incerc sa utilizez si vMware station. Va multumesc pentru efortul depus si licenta pentru VMware 8 ?!
we can use beini 1.2.3 just for wep and to get the wpa handshake only but not for reaver (wps). is it possible for reaver will work in beini123?
No i have not solve my problem: 1 i have real sticker on my product 2 RTL 8188u chipset When i start Beini 1.2.3 he use my atheros wireles card from motherboard( i have check MAC from this and from Alfa AWUS036 NHR) 3 where i can check my Alfa if are original product ( i have serial+MAC).
What? now I see why it is not being detected. Use virtualisation, that will solve your problem. You have 2 cards, you can't have both. Either disable the Atheros drivers using modprobe or delete the drivers in the cde or tce folder. Internal cards do not work with virtualisation. 1.2.3 is designed for RTL8188RU not Atheros based cards. Read the changelogs: https://xiaopan.co/forums/index.php?threads/beini-1-2-3-rtl8188ru-only.51/ Understand there are driver / hardware conflicts: https://xiaopan.co/forums/index.php?threads/beini-1-2-2a-rt2x00-rt3070-compatible-version.66/ It doesn't take a brain surgeon to see what is going on here, particularly if you read the changelogs. USB hardware do not work well from a live CD in Beini. Also remember this is Xiaopan Forums, I am only supporting Beini for a very brief period, since no one is. Solved!
k thank you,for your patience.Allaways mt atheros are disabled ,maybe i wil unistal drivers fro atheros for see what happened
Hi,i have a awus036nhr and I am running xiapon on a parallels on my iMac. When i clicked inflator it showed no cards, it works fine on the mac. How do i fix this? Rtl8188ru chipset Thanks in advanced!
That is a slightly confusing post, you say its running fine then you say how do i fix this , also be careful with the spelling it is Xiaopan not xiapon. You have not stated the Xiaopan version. Have you tried: This and This