Windows AWUS036NHR v2 and Windows 8.1

Discussion in 'Wireless Drivers & Utilities' started by PippoPoppo, 19 Feb 2015.

  1. PippoPoppo

    PippoPoppo Member

    18 Feb 2015
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    Hello everyone,
    I connect to a Windows 8.1 Tablet a AWUS036NHR v2 via OTG adapter, it works fine.
    Unfortunately, the reception quality is quite poor, slightly higher than the integrated wifi card, also using
    a self-powered hub.
    I searched and read everything I could find in the forum about the AWUS036NHR v2 but I could not understand, and even now I'm even more confused.
    I could not understand how you can be an improvement in reception, via Drivers, or through another.
    Although he has installed almost all the drivers found on the forum, the values are fixed to the value
    of dbm Initial -7 + 9. [9dbm => 7.9mW].

    Can someone help me understand how you can increase the capacity of reception?

    And if you can not, as I fear that he understood in windows 8.1, installing windows 7 I could solve the

    Or, what do you recommend to buy for use with Windows 8.1? NHV? AC? or something else?

    Thanks to all
  2. rak21

    rak21 Active Member

    30 Nov 2014
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    wrong forum section mate..

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