Hello, I was using OS 4.7.2 with TPlink WN7200ND. After hours I get past the first 4 digits and I see I have only 30min left then suddenly bully ends showing me no results, just the "Enter" option and once I press it I go back to the main menu. Since I wrote down the first 4 digits, I used option 5 and wrote down the number 1234xxxx so it could continue but I get the same thing, it ends immediately showing me just "Enter" which takes me to main menu again. If I write it wrong 1234 without xxxx, it will start testing normally 0001-1234 0002-1234 0003-1234 etc Anybody have any idea what is wrong?
Whats the error you get with -vv also are you using a fixed channel, also if it ends immediately delete the session in ./bully/macaddress.run and try resuming from the pin.