Hi all administrators and users. I want a good network card I buy from abroad.But I do not know which one I choose. Please following the best model in terms of monitoring and introduce injection. Alfa AWUS036H Alfa AWUS036NHR V2 Alfa AWUS036NHA Alfa AWUS051NH Alfa Tube(N)+8dbi To Please guide.Help me. --------------------------------------- The Tube+8dbi device to the Alfa 036H device better? Which one would you recommend? --------------------------------------- Between ((((Tube(N)+8dbi)))) and ((((AWUS036NHR v2 + Alfa APA-M04 directional antenna 7 dBi W/ MAGNET BASE Or other Antennas)))) which one do you recommend? --------------------------------------- I want to choose the best option to give me advice. ------------------ Alfa AWUS036NHR v2 of Alfa AWUS036H is better in your opinion? The Tube (N) + 8dbi how are you? Indoor and outdoor no difference to me between. Quality is important. -------------------- Say Alfa 036H All network cards are better than others. What is your opinion? --------------------------------------- AWUS036NHR v2 AWUS036H Tube(N)+8dbi Hello... could you tell me which one is better bitwen that three models ?! i want to buy one of them!i need it for some security test... Is any antenna for 036H to augment it to work better? i have heard that 036H is better for injection and ect; What is the difference bitween dual band and one band? Does dual have more reach?! and at the end what is your idea about Tube(N)+8dbi ? Thank you for your guidence... iam looking forward to recieve from you...thanks --------------------------------------- AWUS036NHR v2 AWUS036H Tube(N)+8dbi Hello again thank you for your answering... i read your e-mail.let me tell you my question...i want to have the most range and reach (SSID)...could you tell me which one is comfortable for me ?! which is better ? the AWUS036NHR v2 or AWUS036H + antenna or Tube(N)+8dbi ... ofcourse i want it for working with Dummper...(windows). tell me brief and useful...in generally which one of your products you recommond with the most reach and powerful SSID? --------------------------------------- Thank You.