On behalf of the community, sbin shortcut scripts have been generated as an extension to shorten the need for command line input - ie (sudo python wifite2.py + options / arguments) - now simply (wifite + options / arguments). This is revision #1 of this extension and currently provides the following CLI shortcuts for: "airgeddon" = airgeddon bash script "autopwn" = wifi autopwner bash script "east" = exploit and security tools framework "revdk3" = revdk3-r3 bash script "rsf" = routersploit framework "wifite" = wifite2 python script Other tools already have bin/sbin placements - ie: aircrack-ng , airmon-ng , pyrit , hydra , bully , pixiewps , etc , etc SourceForge: cli_shortcuts_rev1.tcz BitBucket: cli_shortcuts_rev1.tcz Installation: 1.) Download the "cli_shortcuts_rev1.tcz" extension from either of the above listed TinyPaw repositories. 2.) Copy the downloaded extension into your (*/tce/optional/) directory. 3.) Open your onboot.lst file located in your (*/tce/) directory and make the following changes: -add line item: "cli_shortcuts_rev1.tcz" *be sure to include and extra blank(white) line at the bottom of your onboot.lst* 4.) Save the changes you've made by either "file+save" or "cntl+s" and close your editor. 5.) Close all windows and restart your system. 6.) Upon restart you can launch the above listed scripts in your cli/terminal from any directory with the following command strings: airgeddon autopwn east revdk3 rsf wifite Extension is as follows: /usr/ /usr/local/ /usr/local/sbin/ /usr/local/sbin/ + "airgeddon , autopwn , east , revdk3 , rsf , wifite" Originally posted in the TinyPaw-Linux forum: http://tinypawlinux.x10.bz/forum/showthread.php?tid=104
Truly outstanding work my good Sir! i would take my hat off to you, but i am wearing none. So i toast you ,you Maverick
Thank you, however as posted in the TinyPaw thread only downside to these particular shortcuts - two as of now: The SBIN script syntax launches exactly "sudo python wifite2.py" end Meaning that at the moment the shortcut for wifite launches and terminates after executing wifite2.py not reading additional arguments, so unfortunately it launches into default. This is only for the CLI shortcut everything runs the same as it has lol and if launched from the WBAR you can obviously still run "sudo python wifite2.py + options". At the time the only shortcuts where this is an issue is "wifite" and "hashcat".