I create this thread just for my reference and reminder, i didnt use it yet, so i didnt know if it works for new version of tcl.. the very first time i start to invlove with xiaopan os is because i think it look so similar with beini, so i decide if we can change its appearance so people will know this distro is not beini.. and the first time i check on tiny core linux, i has found this beautiful desktop environment... that makes me more eager to change its appearance... and makes me want learn more and more bout this thing.. the list of tcz are... (still trying to complete the list, yes u can just download it easily via appbrowser and just click compiz-gnome, then the other will be added automaticaly, however the bad thing bout its, it easily lost connection to the server ( ) compiz-gnome.tcz :? compiz.tcz :? libcompizconfig.tcz :? compizconfig-backend-gconf.tcz :? compiz-plugins-main.tcz :? compiz-plugins-extra.tcz :? compizconfig-python.tcz :? ccsm.tcz :? compiz-gtk-window-decorator.tcz :? gnome-desktop-base.tcz :? glib2.tcz :? gtk2.tcz :? librsvg.tcz :? dbus-glib.tcz :? GConf.tcz :? libstartup-notification.tcz :? libxslt.tcz :? Xorg-7.5.tcz :? libxml2.tcz :? protobuf.tcz :? pygtk-2.7.tcz :? shared-mime-info.tcz :? hicolor-icon-theme.tcz :? metacity.tcz :? alacarte.tcz :? eog.tcz :? gedit.tcz :? gnome-about.tcz :? gnome-user-guide.tcz :? gnome-keyring.tcz :? gnome-media.tcz :? gnome-system-monitor.tcz :? gnome-utils.tcz :? gnome-screensaver.tcz :? gnome-applets.tcz :? gnome-control-center.tcz :? gnome-menus.tcz :? gnome-panel.tcz :? gnome-power-manager.tcz gnome-python-desktop.tcz gnome-session.tcz gnome-settings-daemon.tcz gnome-terminal.tcz gnome-themes.tcz gtk-engines.tcz zenity.tcz nautilus.tcz nautilus-python.tcz nautilus-open-terminal.tcz yelp.tcz deskbar-applet.tcz gnome-netstatus.tcz polkit-gnome.tcz ConsoleKit.tcz notification-daemon.tcz gksu.tcz gvfs.tcz krb5.tcz bsddb.tcz openldap.tcz libgphoto2.tcz gst-plugins-good.tcz pulseaudio.tcz sound-theme-freedesktop.tcz xdg-utils.tcz desktop-file-utils.tcz tzdata.tcz dejavu-fonts-ttf.tcz gnome-icon-theme.tcz atk.tcz cairo.tcz pango.tcz gdk-pixbuf2.tcz Xorg-7.5-lib.tcz libgsf.tcz libcroco.tcz dbus.tcz ORBit2.tcz libxcb.tcz libxcb-util.tcz pixman.tcz fontconfig.tcz openssl-0.9.8.tcz Xorg-7.5-bin.tcz Xorg-fonts.tcz pygobject-2.7.tcz pycairo-2.7.tcz libcanberra.tcz libgtop.tcz libexif.tcz libexempi.tcz libgnome-desktop.tcz python.tcz enchant.tcz pygtksourceview.tcz iso-codes.tcz gnome-python.tcz libgcrypt.tcz libtasn1.tcz libpulseaudio.tcz gtkmm.tcz libwnck.tcz libgnomeui.tcz libpanel-applet.tcz libgnomecanvas.tcz libnotify.tcz libgnomekbd.tcz Linux-PAM.tcz libbonoboui.tcz gucharmap.tcz libgweather.tcz libpanel-applet.tcz polkit.tcz libunique.tcz evolution-data-server.tcz pyxdg.tcz libical.tcz --will continue later
thanks.. i know u like lxde more.. thats why i give xiaopan .4.3 with it, as its finishing touch.. this thing i do just for fun..