
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Hagiz, 3 Oct 2012.

  1. Hagiz

    Hagiz Member

    3 Oct 2012
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    Joined this site 'cause I like to think of being undisturbed. Or at peace.
    Might this site learn me somethin' about how hackers do it.
    For that's my plan. Find my way of keeping the hell out of their way.
    Leaving me alone, not protected, but alone with those I choose.
    Becoming anonymous. Leaving people, I don't allow to share what's rightfully mine, out.

    EDIT: I like medium rare. But this is a well-done site you've got here!
    Looks like you've applied lots of great things from other social sites.
    Great job who it now was that was behind the idea!

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