Question Cracking WPA2

Discussion in 'Xiaopan Support' started by chineserice, 1 Oct 2012.

  1. chineserice

    chineserice Active Member

    1 Oct 2012
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    Hi Guy I'm New to here.. !
    I've learn alot from this forum:) Thanks alot everyone!
    I know how crack WEP and using REAVER 1.4 to crack WPS using BT5 R3 :D

    Here is my Question:
    some neighbor I've just use WPA Without the WPS so, I can't crack their network...
    the hand shake method with dictionary it just too hard for me or I don't know how to do it..

    Please shoot me some bright ideas here people ..
    I only do this for testing network .. :)
  2. Pascal

    Pascal Wifi Sniffer
    Staff Member Moderator VIP

    6 Jun 2012
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    For WEP is easy since everything is almost automatic ...

    For the WPS, there Reaver works very well.

    For WPA and WPA2 (no WPS), you need a dictionary. It must contain the key ...

    The problem is that often the key is a mixture of numbers, letters, symbols and sometimes ... Which of course, would require a huge dictionary if one takes into account all possibilities are ...

    By experience, the most effective way to WPA or WPA2 is expected to fall during the reseaun listening on a client connected to the AP.

    Once certain, it remains only to disassociate the client from the AP. Then create a rule to prohibit the association (by specifying the MAC addresses allowed).

    Once this is done, it will create a fake access point like the AP victim (name, channel). Start a dhcp server and redirect the client to a fake login page to the router. Once the customer enters their information, they will be collected on the DHCP server and you create aurras WPA or WPA2 key ...

    Equipment required:

    1 wifi card that will be there in order to prevent the association Client ---> AP
    1 wifi card that will create the false and AP to serve as a DHCP server
    1 Distribution of Backtrack
    1 A fake login page resembling in all respects to the original router.
    1 of speed
    1 little intelligence

    Something else??
  3. chineserice

    chineserice Active Member

    1 Oct 2012
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    Thanks for the fast reply ... :)
    I already know the dictionary needs to contain the codec ...
    which seems to impossible to crack it unlike Reaver 100% can crack the codec ...

    Thanks for the help !:yes
  4. Fantasma

    Fantasma Well-Known Member

    31 May 2012
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    I agree with Pascal but... you must not ask for how to crack the neighbor wifi since it is against the: Forum Rules

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