create_ap 0.4.6 for TinyPaw As I was modifying an update to a wireless attack script I stumbled across a call to this program that was not listed as a dependency. Compiled within TinyPaw and at the moment mostly required by autopwner2. Create_ap is: " Create an AP (Access Point) at any channel. Choose one of the following encryptions: WPA, WPA2, WPA/WPA2, Open (no encryption). Hide your SSID. Disable communication between clients (client isolation). IEEE 802.11n & 802.11ac support Internet sharing methods: NATed or Bridged or None (no Internet sharing). Choose the AP Gateway IP (only for 'NATed' and 'None' Internet sharing methods). You can create an AP with the same interface you are getting your Internet connection. You can pass your SSID and password through pipe or through arguments (see examples) " Quoted from the project github: Available at: @sourceforge: create_ap.tcz @bitbucket: create_ap.tcz Required dep: @sourceforge: iptables.tcz @bitbucket: iptables.tcz Recommended dep: *not required* @sourceforge: haveged.tcz @bitbucket: haveged.tcz Installation: 1.) Download create_ap and deps from either above repository. 2.) Copy downloaded files to your (*/tce/optional/) directory. *Choose to overwrite existing "iptables.tcz"* 3.) Open your onboot.lst file located in your (*/tce/) directory and make following changes: -add line item: "create_ap.tcz" -add line item: "haveged.tcz" *optional* *make sure to include one extra(white) line at bottom of onboot.lst file* 4.) Save changes by (file+save) or (cntl+s) and close your editor. 5.) Close all open windows and reboot system. 6.) Upon reboot create_ap will be usable. 7.) For program usages enter the following in your terminal / cli: sudo create_ap -h