crunch 3.6 "newest" build for TinyPaw / Xiaopan SourceForge: crunch-3.6.tcz BitBucket: crunch-3.6.tcz Compiled today in TinyPaw to update v3.4 and wrapped into a *.tcz extension. Crunch Package Description: " Crunch is a wordlist generator where you can specify a standard character set or a character set you specify. crunch can generate all possible combinations and permutations. " Quoted from and more info available at: For TinyPaw installation: 1.) Download the "crunch-3.6.tcz" extension from one of the above repositories. 2.) Cut or Copy "crunch-3.6.tcz" to your extension directory located at (*/tce/optional/). 3.) Open your onboot.lst file located in your (*/tce/) directory and make the following changes: -Locate "crunch.tcz" line item entries. -Change "crunch.tcz" into "crunch-3.6.tcz". 4.) After making the above changes to your onboot.lst save by either File+Save or Cntl+S. 5.) Reboot your system and Crunch 3.6 will now be available for use.