I would like to suggest that the forum begin accumulating data for a forum database on routers. For example, one of my routers (D-Link DIR-655) repeats indefinitely the initial test pin. If this is a router problem and not a reaver software problem, it would be nice to see this in a forum database to confirm the issue OR to see a work around that has been developed. What does everyone in the forum think about starting a database on routers? JL --- Double Post Merged, 22 Apr 2013 --- many thanks to sovietworm who provided this link in another thread: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ags-JmeLMFP2dFp2dkhJZGIxTTFkdFpEUDNSSHZEN3c#gid=0
There is one already i've mentioned it a few times just google it or search on here. The problem with that is most users use minidwep or inflator and use the default settings and it doesn't always work. With reaver there is thousands of combinations for commands you just need the right one.
Good idea but this will create some work for me..... I have attempted some sort of db for compatibility: https://xiaopan.co/forums/link-forums/xiaopan-beini-compatibility-list.52/ but it gets defaced and incorrect information is placed. Try WPSdb Search https://xiaopan.co/forums/downloads/wpsdb-search.121/ I am going to move this to the suggestion box Thank you for your suggestion. I can make something up if you are able to research on various website and send me the infomation. E.g: elhacker.net, lampiweb, argwireless, hackforums.net and so forth.
I would like to add some interesting information regarding vendors and pins. The research of some well known vendor's HW reveals that it uses a quite simple algorithm which is based on MAC address of the device. It can save a lot time and prolong the live of working tools. Being in situation when time does matter, it would be also a good idea to find out how Reaver (for those of us who can't get a Pro version) remembers the last checked pin. For example, we know that some vendors (having a MAC database) usually use pins starting from 89200000, then we can start general attack, stop it in a few seconds, change the last checked pin to 89000000 and restore the session. It would also save time, but mentioned above default pins DB would be very helpful.