Ok so many of you ask in here for custom dictionaries that a phone numbers. It is common knowledge that most ISPs will issue passwords based on the telephone number of the AP address. If Reaver / Inflator or Minidwep Failed in cracking WPS this should be your next logical step. Particularly with Broadband / Cable type connections. BigPond do this with their BigPondXXXX networks. Well it is really easy to do. In this tutorial I will show you how to do it In this tutorial I will generate a sequential phone number dictionary where there are 3 (012) known numbers first (area code). So really all we have to generate is 1 million numbers: 0000000 - 9999999 which means 1 million possible combinations. Remember this will not work if the user has changed their default password issued by their ISP. Each of these will generate a text (.txt) file that is: 22.18mb compressed (zip) 133mb once unextracted You will need Windows for this, but there are plenty of Linux based tools for creating lists like this such as WepWap and John the Ripper. First Download l517: https://code.google.com/p/l517/ Overview L517 is small (considering what it does), it is fast (considering it's a Windows app), and it is lightweight (when not loading astronomically large lists). A user-friendly GUI requires no memorization of command-line arguments! L517 contains hundreds of options for generating a large, personalized, and/or generic wordlist. With L517, you can generate phone numbers, dates, or every possible password with only a few clicks of the keyboard; all the while, filtering unwanted passwords. Also note that this program does not require an installer. Just open it and you can run it from your Downloads folder for instance. There is also a handy feature for US residents where you can enter an area and it will find the area code for you After you have downloaded it go to: Generate > Phone Numbers > Custom: Now specify known numbers and variables for the list: It has a handy progress bar and % completed Now after it reaches 100% go to where you ran l517 from: and your file will be there. So what do can you do now. Unleash Xiaopan and the power of minidwep to Crack a WPA / WPA2 network easy like I did right here: Mr. Penguin's Guide to Hacking WPA / WPA2 with Xiaopan 0.4.5 + Minidwep + Password List If you want more advanced features check out @ImJoJo's thread: L517-Simple Wordlist Generator (Windows) Enjoy. Please comment of your success with these phone number dictionaries VIP get tagged so they are notified of cool stuff
dear sir penguin, this is my 1st trial using L517, i create a phone number wordlist, what i get here the L517 is not properly execute. i follow your tutorial picture. the output or result of phone numbers is only ONE... is there any step that i miss... :challengeconsidered:
Works fine for me kazuya_mishima Why are you entering 000000 when you are not following the guide with XXXXXX