Windows Excellent new sniffer app for monitor mode in Windows !

Discussion in 'Wireless Drivers & Utilities' started by kevsamiga, 15 Jun 2014.

  1. kevsamiga

    kevsamiga Well-Known Member

    15 Sep 2013
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    Pre-requisites :

    Vista OS+ (In previous version of Windows , there is no support for wifi monitor mode)
    Microsoft Network Monitor 3.x - You can download and install it from below for (x86 or x64)
    Wireless network adapter and a driver that works properly in 'monitor mode' under Windows.

    Application itself (x86 and x64 versions available):

    WifiChannelMonitor vs Other Tools

    Capturing data using monitor mode allows WifiChannelMonitor to show information that other wifi tools cannot get:
    • Detect and show all wifi clients (Tablets, Smartphones, computers with wifi adapter, and so on... ), Including wifi clients that are not connected to any access point, but only tries to connect...
    • For wifi clients that try to connect to one or more APs - WifiChannelMonitor displays the list of network names (SSIDs) that the wifi client tries to connect.
    • WifiChannelMonitor can also detect clients with a wired connection to the router.
    • WifiChannelMonitor shows the number of sent/received data bytes for every access point and for every wifi client connected to the access point.
    • WifiChannelMonitor can show the name of hidden network. (The name is detected only when somebody connects this wireless network)
    I gave it a quick spin on my 036NHR on Win7 x64 and it seems to work fine apart from not showing RSSI, still rough around the edges as only version 1.00, but still at least it WORKS and is a tiny app with nothing to install. I've yet to try it on the (as suggested by the author) TP-Link WN722N or ALFA 036NHA or other adapters for that matter, but i'll keep you informed as to what works.

    Shows all sorts of client devices and also lists what they are. Very useful indeed for the mobile pen-tester and wifi mappers out there.

    Liking it very much...


    Adapters I tested with app (Win7 x64 Ultimate):

    ALFA 036H - works.
    ALFA 036NHR - works but missing RSSI section.
    ALFA 036NH - fixed RSSI values and blank SSID's - works bad, driver version
    ALFA 036NHA - works fine same as TP-Link WN722N as claimed by author.
    #1 kevsamiga, 15 Jun 2014
    Last edited: 15 Jun 2014
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  2. ivoivic

    ivoivic Member

    14 Sep 2014
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    my uSB Network Adapter is working alone without any virtual machine.When VMWare is installed My Network Adapter IS NOT Recognized.What to do? Help me.
  3. kevsamiga

    kevsamiga Well-Known Member

    15 Sep 2013
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    Is that question even relevant to this thread ?!?

    No perhaps not, because this app works only in Windows.

    Running VM is always going to be flaky, use a Live CD instead.
  4. Thonglor

    Thonglor Well-Known Member

    30 Sep 2012
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    Good stuff Thank you.There are 2 software to play.

    Alfa AWUS036NEH also work fine.
    #4 Thonglor, 1 Jul 2015
    Last edited: 1 Jul 2015

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