Hello all, nice place you have here. Physical Security Guy here - my work includes all types of pentesting including perimeter security, physical security, and access. Started out on this path in 1987 with Arcnet and blueboxing. Prior to that I built my second computer - in 1983 - a Ti994a with 16k of RAM that I swiped from my first machine, an Altos - with a 10" floppy drive and point to point RAM built by Litton Memory Products!! Brief stint as a $erf for Bill, (if I had his money I'd throw mine away) had to leave just moments before vesting. Twas my choice - the beginning of many other great choices too. I was writing a driver in ASM and stumbled across a D/L here to run the Alpha AWUS036H with Mavericks. Go figure. I want to give a shout out to Fravia - the original - mad respect for you, RIP. See ya all on the flip side. Hopefully on the free side of the bars. =D P.S. Tor isn't as safe as everyone thinks....pm me for more....