If you have clover do the following. If you use multibeast, open it and select your soundcard In terminal type: Code: Select All defaults write com.apple.DiskUtility DUDebugMenuEnabled 1 Open Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility, go to the menu bar find Debug and flag "Show Every Partition" - Now in Disk Utility you'll see all the partitions, included EFI (greyed out, cause it's unmounted) - Mount EFI partition from Disk Utility and close the window - Download audio_CloverALC-master.zip from toleda's repo, unzip it and leave it in Downloads folder. - Open Downloads/audio_CloverALC-master and unzip audio_cloverALC-100.command.zip. - Double click on audio_cloverALC-100-v1.0.2.command, a Terminal window will open, type your password (even if you don't see anything) and press enter You will get the following. Push y 3 times then reboot Confirm Realtek ALCXXX (y/n): y Clover Audio ID Injection (y/n): y Use Audio ID: X (y/n): y
Alternatively download the kext here: Update 8/11/2015 For Hackintosh Users...upgrade to El Capitan 10.11.x please read this thread: https://xiaopan.co/forums/threads/create-a-hackintosh-with-asus-motherboards.4591/page-7#post-31281 Works on 10.11.x