Hello all. As you can see I have 722N and AWUS036H. I am pretty sure I cant install any more adapters with the same chip. So I need suggestions here. Which 2 adapters to buy now?. Both adapters I have now are pretty good in BT so the next two dont really need to support BT. They should support windows, specially Vista x64 without a hiccup. SHOULD have good range/removable antennas. Wattage is important too but not all support this.
I would recommend the 036NH or 051NH for using drivers on VistaX64 without a "hiccup". But since BT is no longer important, I'm going to recommend the 036NHR v2 instead. Why ? Because it's strong in G mode as well as N. I would recommend the 036NHV, but since I don't own it yet to test I can't comment on how that adapter performs compared to the NHR. Anything MIMO like the 051NH or 036AC and your going to get the power output shared across 2 antenna's. Both of those adapters (036NH & 036NHR) are claimed 2000mw as far as the wattage side goes, but everybody knows that's just a complete lie... (They all use the same Skyworks 2576L PA with +26dBm max output, with the exception of the 036NHR v1 which uses a MicroSemi LX5518 instead (and seems to die a lot from an early death))
Hello and from me. For me that i have Windows 7 i have been very sceptic and i think best for me is the NHA ,but what do you recomend? Thanks in advance
Ok. I will be looking for 036NH, 051NH and 036NHR v2. Will be hard to find the two other than 036NH. Any more suggestions?. Non alfa?.
Even an 036NHA has a stronger signal strength than the TP-Link WN722N and they're the same chip. Not that much, but noticeable.
I prefer not wasting any money on a device with the same chipset as one of the device I already have. Of course it will be better. They are, by design, different and made for different environments. On BT, 722N is locked at 20dBm (firmware most probably). The 036NHA would surely have better signals because it has more power behind it.
No, in fact 036NHA is also locked to 20dbm (firmware). It's probably an inline LNA giving the extra bar, or the differences in chipset revisions. Or even maybe my TP-Link WN722N is old, and has grown weak (it was second hand to start with).
Off-topic: So the o36NHA cant be flashed with a custom/modified firmware?. I know W722N cant be. What about 036H?. What is it locked too?. Can the firmware be modified?. I am talking in terms of windows. In BT/monitor mode, I am sure both Alfa's can be made to go to 30dBm and more after changing the CRDA.
There exists no Atheros eeprom tools to edit/upload new firmware for the 9271 in the wild. The 036H isn't locked per se and can be edited with the Mass Production Kit, but even then all you are going to be getting is 15/17dbm in Windows. Instead of the normal 9/11dbm. (The same as iwpriv wlan0 highpower 1 in Linux for the r8187 driver, but permanently). If it comes to a question of which adapter with the most range, then an 036H with custom drivers forcing 1mbps and 11b wins. Even against the all "powerful" hyped 036NHR. ALFA has never bettered the range over the original models. Even the 051NH has more range than the 036NHA, and is just as fast in pumping Mbps as an NHA, if not faster due to MISO and 300mbps capability along with 5ghz.
17dbm is the real maximum ETSI limit allowed in Europe (not 20dbm as assumed) as 3db of cable loss is already factored in beforehand (sucks I know). You are most likely on 9dbm for OFDM and 11 for CCK if your 036H is a V5 model, assuming your using non power control drivers. If your using the power control drivers then this range extends out to 12dbm, but Linux iwpriv wlan0 highpower 1 and the MPK extends the allowable dbm up to 15 from 12 with editing (FFh for OFDM and CCK combined). Not that I'd condone any editing, as raising the power in dbm increases the EVM for OFDM and thus noise generated. Low power and a high dbi antenna is the way to go. Power is ok if you both have it to turn up at each end, turning it up on it's own at one end is useless if the other boxes can't x-mit to you anyway.
Oh yes. Totally forgot this!. I am on your drivers and Tx power is, as default, set to max. That means 11dB?. LOL?
Without editing the eeprom using MPK, about that yes, maybe 12. But think of it this way, it's not really a con in output because all brands/adapters are just as handicapped/restricted in Europe as well, not just to buy but to sell as well. So apart from sensitivity, better chipset etc, they're all mostly the same when it comes to power limits. Even if you ordered an adapter from the US, all the AP's around you would say erm... no, and switch you back to using the ETSI domain adjusting the power accordingly. They have all such damn bypassing tricks already worked out. Only real way around it on Windows without faffing is attaching a linear booster/kicker inline, but even then the cheap ones that don't cost a kidney are mostly made for boosting 11b in mind. Then you would have to get a compatible plug for it, and not just a compatible plug but probably a step down transformer as well to change the voltage. Even if it makes it past customs to start with that is, being that it's already illegal for import under ETSI... But again, unless your sticking one on both ends, don't expect any improvement.
Good thing I dont live in European or American countries/cities. I read that you have flashed your 036H to 17dBm. Should I do that too (performance you gained etc) plus is MPK available here?.
Yes I uploaded MPK on here under drivers/utilities for RTL8187L, but be very careful with it. Because... I don't take any responsibility for bricked adapters using the util. It's only had one outing on my Kasens G9000 that got flashed (that I don't really care about) in order to squeeze out more power for free... I can show the way, but your the one that presses the buttons in the EEPROM util. Oh and you'll need Windows XP to even run it.
Well... When your using a chipset that came out circa 2005, and is now very long in the tooth, you can't expect to be provided editing tools to be available that runs for modern OS's when driver development stopped 3 years ago anyway.
Bought TL-ANT2415D. HUGE damn thing!. The packaging is taller than me!. I am looking at like 5 to 5.5dB loss after setup. Add 1dB more if I install a lightning arrestor (which I wont). All I need now is to flash some more dB's into mt Alfa.