1. Setting up the fan speed Windows is easier, but Kali is Linux. Unfortunately, it’s not one press of a button solution. First things first: To force fans to run at designated speed, we have to switch some options in NVIDIA driver, normally turned off. To do that on my Kali 2018.3, we have to add one line in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf: nano /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf or if it is empty, copy and paste the whole lot in. Section "Device" Identifier "MyGPU" Driver "nvidia" Option "Interactive" "0" Option "Coolbits" "28" EndSection Line with “Coolbits” is the one you need to add to turn additional features on the NVIDIA X Server. Now, you have full access to fan settings: (after a reboot)