Word list generators for TinyPaw Included tools: Keyboard Walk Processor v1.00 "Advanced keyboard-walk generator with configureable basechars, keymap and routes" Project page: https://github.com/hashcat/kwprocessor Mask Processor v0.73 "High-Performance word generator with a per-position configureable charset" Project page: https://github.com/hashcat/maskprocessor Stats Processor v0.012 "Statsprocessor is a word-generator based on per-position markov-chains packed into a single stand-alone binary." Project page: https://github.com/hashcat/statsprocessor Compiled within TinyPaw into 32bit stand alone bin / binary files. For mask processor the following changes were made to "Makefile" -line item: "all: mp64.bin" into "all: mp32.bin" -line item: "mp64.bin mp64.exe mp64.app" removed For stats processor the following changes were made to "Makefile" -line item: "all: sp64.bin" into "all: sp32.bin" -line item: "sp64.bin sp64.exe sp64.app" removed All stand alone files and root directories included in one compressed file available: @sourceforge: hashcat-processors.zip @bitbucket: hashcat-processors.zip Installation: 1.) Download compressed archive from either above repository. 2.) Copy Downloaded archive to directory of choice - ie Downloads. 3.) Unzip / decompress archive by entering the following in your terminal / cli: unzip hashchat-processors.zip 4.) Now you will have the newly created (*/hashcat-processors/) directory. 5.) Navigate to the root directory of the tool you wish to use and enter the following in your terminal / cli: ./kwp *for keyboard walk processor - located in (./keyboard walk processor/) directory* ./mp32.bin *for mask processor - located in (./mask processor/) directory* ./sp32.bin *for stats processor - located in (./stats processor/) directory* 6.) For tool usages enter the following in your terminal / cli: ./kwp -h ./mp32.bin -h ./sp32.bin -h