hello, I am Mal; and stumbled across this site initially looking for tools that will work well within backtrack 5. I heard about this download called dishingtech edition, and also within that download there was a URL address, pointing me to go to http://www.xiaopan.co . So what did I do? ... What do you think? ... I went there like a boss! Anyway, there is a theorem based upon balance and everything having positive and negative effects but cancelling each other out in some way; and Taoism touches on it as well, through the Yin and Yang. This theory probably explains why I am still here and how... However though, I aim to defeat the normal theorem and stay positive. So this download looked good, but after extracting it, and trying to turn it into a bootable .ISO image, it epically failed. This is bad and negative; but on a good note, I found harmony and peace here at http://xiaopan.co ; so who knows, maybe I can get the software, and maybe even share some of my creations with you In the meantime; I wish everyone else peace and good karma; and look forward to making new friends with you all. Yours sincerely MAL
Well worded MAL and welcome aboard. Sorry you had issues with the DishingTech edition. May I ask what went wrong? What version of Parallels are you using?