Hi i am pretty new about making holes in others wifi But the problem is that thanks to this worldwide crisis i don't have enough money to posses my own internet i found this project very interesting even if i am new about these things i agree that internet should be free to everybody with no restrictions. I am using a mac and i have installed vmware to use the virtual machine, i tried to install the tinycore on "other linux 2.6.x kernel" but does not work (this the message i got when i try to start "udevd[78]: failed to create queue file: no space left on device"), works fine instead when i tried to install on linux ubuntu 64bit. Now i don't know what to use or when since i found 3 different progs : feedingbottle, inflator and minidwep. Now inflator seemed very easy to use but after finding the pin he finds weid wpa key which don' t works, feedingbottle found a wep but now is gone so i tried to find wpas but he asks me for a dictionary file and the only thing i found is a password.txt but i 2 days that is collecting datas but nothing is happening. minidwep asks me for a dictionary file that i can't find but i hope to find solutions within your forum. Said that i will support you guys forever. In helping each other we'll become free. Deka