Question Help Needing to Crack WPA

Discussion in 'Xiaopan Support' started by thebestrelease, 23 Oct 2013.

  1. thebestrelease

    thebestrelease New Member

    14 Sep 2013
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    I run minidwep and hit launch, within a few minutes a handshake is found, from there I am supposed to use a dictionary file on xiopan? to crack it?
    From the point where it says a handshake has been formed,a window comes up: do you want to use a dictionary (something like that) I need step by step help. Or how do I navigate to capture file and how to click on dictionary or wordlist so that it tries each word. Also how do I upload the capture file to my webmail to use it later?
    For some reason it seems easier to navigate in BT5 R3?
    Any good help please?
    Thanks very much.
  2. kimad

    kimad Active Member

    10 Sep 2013
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    ok mate
    after capturing handshake you browse for password list in root folder
    if your password no there try to have other password lists and do the same
  3. Adam Johnson JR

    19 Oct 2013
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    u might gonna try using darkcode1st passwd i guess ..
  4. meknb

    meknb Mod
    Moderator Dev Team VIP

    2 Jun 2012
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    It's easier to navigate because we want to keep it small under 100mb how big is backtrack?? we haven't got all the gui stuff backtrack has, backtrack's file browser with dependencies is bigger than xiaopan.

    There's plenty of guides to save handshake to your pen drive or you will have to load a decent wordlist from your pen drive , but i find most pretty useless if wpa password is set by the router (default wpa password) i find crunch better with uppercase letters and numbers.
    #4 meknb, 23 Oct 2013
    Last edited: 23 Oct 2013
  5. thebestrelease

    thebestrelease New Member

    14 Sep 2013
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    I am almost there, thanks everyone for your quick replies. I switched to BT5R3 for simplicity, using gerix ng. There are about 6 tabs on top, get to part where I see the handshake. Then on cracking tab, there are 3 options: aircracking-ng crack wpa pw, crack the pw with pyrit and third rainbow tables cracking. I see the path is only set as "/root", it doesn't give you an option to browse to dark0de.lst (or is it darkcode.1st??) So I set path as
    Desktop/passwords/wordlists/darkc0de.lst. Then I try to crack using the option aircracking-ng crack wpa passsword. Windows comes up 'quitting aircracking' or something similar. At bottom of gerix, is says cracking pw with dictionary, something like that, but I do not see any evidence of this like a window showing every word being tried. So obviously I am doing this wrong?
    In all 6 tabs it sets the path to wordlist or dictionary path as/root. This is not right , please correct me if I am wrong.
    In any case where are the pcap or capture files from the handshake stored in the file system of BT5R3 or Xiopan. Are these auto. saved there each time you reboot or not?
    I have an 8gb flash drive will go back to Xiopan to try to copy the file into the flashdrive. Will wait for your replies.
    Thanks everybody for your help!
    --- Double Post Merged, 24 Oct 2013 ---
    I was finally able to figure it out after viewing gerix-ng on youtube. You paste the wordlists to your Desktop of eg: Backtrack, then you have 2 wordlists on desktop: dark0de.lst and rockyou.txt.
    You then put path in gerix as this:

    You then start to crack using aircracking-ng and you will then see all combinations being tried on your laptop lcd.
    If anyone wants links to youtube vids showing this, I will post links.
    Thank you.
    --- Double Post Merged, 24 Oct 2013 ---
    I was unable to find the key :does anyone know what exact location the .cap file is stored on the BT5R3 disc after capturing a handshake?
    #5 thebestrelease, 23 Oct 2013
    Last edited: 24 Oct 2013

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