
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Arthur de Castro Silva, 22 Jul 2014.

  1. Arthur de Castro Silva

    22 Jul 2014
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    Well, i find this forum in my searchs for Reaver Pro, but i resolved give a look on the other topics. Now, i can say: i'm confused about this forum, so if anyone can say me the main "purpose" of the forum i'll be thankful >.<


    Now, a little about me: I'm a simple otaku/geek from Porto Alegre, on Brazil. During my all life, i loved games, computers, and technology. In 2011, I started to love animes and mangás. Nowdays, i started leraning programming (i know BASIC since i have 9 years old, but now is time to C :D). Also, i'm a big fan of RPG - actually, i play 3D&T, one Brazilian RPG...

    My preferred games:

    Giants Citizen Kabuto
    Diablo (I > II > III)
    Shadow of the Colossus
    Hellgate (London and Global)
    World of Warcraft
    League of Legends
    GTA SA and IV - and GTA like games
    Saints Row

    My preferred anime is Evangelion, and i actually don't have time to see much series/movies :c

    My current works:

    Translation of Giants Citizen Kabuto (PC and PS2) to Portuguese (Brazilian)
    Doom mods, since singlemaps to grateful "total convertions"
    Translation of "Evangelion Mangás" to PT-BR


    I have interest on any content related to games, programming, robotics (i make a little class).
    And if something that I sayed sounds strange, rember that I have only 16 years old now and make english class to write/speak english (i think that games are good to teach "how understand" english, not speak) :p

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