
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by fubu, 8 Mar 2014.

  1. fubu

    fubu New Member

    4 Mar 2014
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    Hello. I'm (~) and I live in (~) and I became a member of this site, because I'm currently unemployed, without benefits and I'm sick and tired of using WiFi services from public libraries--which put me on collection agency lists--or starbucks and it's crappy burnt tasting coffee, which I cannot afford to buy anyways....
    I want a way to crack/hack my neighbor's WiFi, who has WPA2-PSK protection, so I can get on with my life and have the necessary resources available to me without having to run all around town, jumping through hoops any more than normally required for a simple minded primate of the pariah/slave caste variety...
    I am not a computer geek, an IT specialist or any other computer based girl/guy... I'm just another user, who's down on her/his luck... I hate FBI's (Facebook Idiots) that's why I don't have an account. I don't like chatting (I don't YAHOO) and I very rarely write anything to forums...

    Antisocial, Reclusive, Random yet Reserved... ARRR... Just another pirate... That's me... Sorry.

    And that's... where the cookie crumbles.


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